Bikram Yoga And Weight Loss

Hot yoga is a form of yoga that is done in a room that has been artificially heated to increase heat and humidity to do yoga in it.

This form of yoga is believed to be very beneficial for burning fat.


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Bikram (Hot) Yoga : Pros and Cons

Bikram Yoga is one such type of hot yoga. Bikram Yoga, named and patented after Bikram Choudhury, is a popular form of hot yoga. It is done in a studio which is heated to 100-110 degrees Fahrenheit and about 40 to 60 percent humidity. Bikram Yoga consists of 26 postures and two breathing postures, which is done in a series, twice in a 90 minute session.  This form of yoga helps you burn fat and make your muscles lean. All the sweating helps improve your rate of metabolism.

Bikram yoga and other forms hot yoga like Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga make you sweat profusely. Sweating acts like a detoxification process and in turn, helps you eat food that is light on the body. People generally do not feel like eating heavy food like meat and dairy, which in turn, leads to weight loss.

You should attend at least three sessions of Bikram Yoga in a week and at least 10 sessions a month to gauge whether Bikram Yoga is working for you to lose weight.

Doing this form of yoga is also about building our stamina and ability so if you can do more sessions in a month, you should try and incorporate it.

Not an official diet, but Bikram Yoga diets for weight loss encourage you to eat no refined products include refined grains and sugar, meat and dairy. More than following a particular diet, practicing Bikram Yoga regularly will help more effectively in losing weight. One session of Bikram Yoga can help burn up to 900 calories. You can burn more calories if you learn to hold your poses for longer. Practicing Bikram Yoga can help you normalize your appetite. It’s also important to start practicing with some food in your stomach – not a full meal but not a completely empty stomach either.

People practicing Bikram Yoga will not only help you lose weight but also help get rid of chronic pain- and health-related issues. As this form of yoga balances all the systems of the body, it actually helps in long term weight loss, something most other weight loss systems cannot guarantee. Breathing exercises also play a big role in regulating your appetite.

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