Yoga for Grey Hair

(August 11, 2011)

Suggest yoga asanas for grey hair?

Yoga For Grey/White Hair :

Yoga asanas for grey hair can be effective by treating some of the conditions that can cause grey hair. Some of the causes for grey hair are thyroid conditions, excessive trauma and stress, nutritional deficiencies like vitiligo and anemia, Grave’s disease, and early menopause in women. Therefore, if stress is the cause of your graying of hair, then you could practice some yoga postures that are effective in dealing with stress.

Some of the yoga postures for stress relief are : Ustrasana (Camel Pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Halasana (Plough Pose) and Trikonasana (Triangle Pose).

Practicing some of the inverted postures of yoga can help increase the blood circulation to the scalp and reduce the graying of hair. Some of the postures you could practice are Sirshasana (Headstand), Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), Halasana (Plough Pose) and Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand). However, make sure that you do not over do the yoga postures and practice within your limits

Submitted by V A on August 11, 2011 at 05:08

Does Yoga Help In Turning Grey Hair To Black After The Age Of Forty?

There are many ways in which you can help prevent your hair from greying prematurely. Usually by the time you are forty, the melanocytes become a little rusty, and they may not be able to produce melanocytes as efficiently as before. However, if you keep stress levels low and consume a healthy diet, your hair will remain colored for a longer period of time. This will also help you maintain a thicker mane.

You can delay the graying of hair and can also help prevent it for a long time, but it is not possible to turn your hair black naturally once they have gone white. Once your melanocytes have ceased to function normally, they cannot be treated or forced to begin producing the coloring pigment once again.

Your hair color depends on the kind of genes you have inherited from your parents. Lighter hairs tend to turn gray slower than darker hairs. Unfortunately, stress levels, hormonal problems, and genetic premature graying can cause the hair to gray much before you get to forty.

Once your hair has become gray, there is no turning back. So in this case, prevention is the only cure. Yoga can help you prevent premature graying, but that is all it can do for you. Hence, once your hair is gray, you will need to resort to chemical methods of coloring them.

Submitted by V A on July 7, 2011 at 12:35

Some Yoga Tips For Hair Growth?

If you have been experiencing a lot of hair loss, you will need some help to stop it. Improving the circulation of blood to your scalp is important for promoting healthy hair growth. Blood carries with it all the nutrition that is required for your hair to grow long, thick and healthy. The yoga asanas that can be used for hair growth are those that improve the blood circulation to your scalp.

Headstand poses are ideal for improving the blood flow to your scalp. Such poses not only improve blood flow to the scalp but also release stress, which is one of the major causes of hair loss. Pranayama or breathing exercises can also help you improve the blood flow to the different parts of your body.

Some of the other poses that are great for your hair growth include Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), Anuloma Viloma (Alternative Nostril Breathing), Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog), Ustrasana (Camel Pose), Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose), Vajrasana (Diamond Pose) and Sirsasana (Headstand Pose). All of these poses are specifically designed to improve the blood flow to your head. These also help massage your organs internally so that you are healthier and your body functions in a better manner.

Submitted by A on July 7, 2011 at 12:24

Which Yoga Is Best To Make Our Hair Healthy?

Yoga is known to be beneficial for your body in a lot of different ways. If you have thin hair and want to improve its quality, you will need to improve the blood flow to your scalp. Your scalp needs adequate nutrition so that the hair can grow normally. If you do not get enough nutrition, you will not be able to get the hair quality that you desire.

Apart from your diet, yoga can also help you deal with falling hair and other hair problems. Headstands are the best kind of yoga poses for your hair. Inverted poses also allow a better flow of blood to your scalp. Blood helps transport nutrients to the cells in your scalp. As the scalp becomes healthier, your hair also grows better, thicker and stronger.

Apart from inverted poses, headstands and shoulder stands, breathing exercises like Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing) and Kapalbhati (Cleansing Breath), both of which are collectively known as Pranayama, are known to help improve lung capacity, and therefore increase the amount of blood that courses through your body. Increased blood means better circulation and a better supply of nutrients to the body.

In addition to these, regular washing of hair and a good diet will also help.

Submitted by S C on July 6, 2011 at 11:55

Any Yoga To Reduce Hair Fall And Make Them Heavy?

Yoga is considered one of the best ways of preventing hair loss. In many ways, yoga is a complete exercise for your body and your mind. If you have been losing hair due to an illness or due to stress, which has been over burdening you, you can treat it with yoga.
There are a lot of asanas that can help you recover from any of the ailments that you have been experiencing. One of the best ways to deal with hair fall is the yoga pose known as Vajrasana (Diamond Pose). Vajrasana helps keep you in good shape. It also improves digestion and helps you synthesize the proteins that repair your hair and help them growth thicker. These proteins also help you prevent your hair from graying prematurely.

Apart from this, there are some other asanas that can help you deal with hair fall. These include the    Sirsasana (Head Stand), Adhumukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog), Anuloma Viloma(Alternate Nostril Breathing), Kapalbhati (Cleansing Breath),Ushtasana(Camel Pose), Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), and Gaumukhasana (Cow Pose).

All of these poses are intended to relax the mind and stimulate blood flow to the upper body as well as the brain. This allows you to stop hair fall that is related to stress.

Submitted by R J on July 6, 2011 at 11:51

Yoga For Grey Hair

White hair is caused when there is a deficiency of melanin, or the color pigment in the hair. This pigment is made of a protein that is synthesized by special glands known as melanocytes. White hairs are also caused by stress and depression.

Men and women, who perform yoga, are much less susceptible to grey hair. This is because yoga helps you improve digestion and your metabolism, allowing the protein to be synthesized in a better manner.

Breathing exercises, such as pranayama, are ideal for relaxing your body and dealing with the stress, which releases toxic chemicals in the body and affects the production of melanin. Breathing exercises also help you regulate the hormones in your body. These hormones are responsible for growth and synthesis of a lot of proteins. Pranayama also increases the flow of blood to your scalp. This not only rejuvenates the cells in your scalp, but also the melanocytes.

As the blood flow to your scalp improves, it promotes the growth of longer and healthier hairs. These hairs also retain their original color for a longer time. Along with yoga, you should ideally also consume a healthy diet that gives you all the nutrients required for healthy hair.

Submitted by C D on July 6, 2011 at 11:45

White hair is basically caused due to protein deficiency in the body. The chief intake of food should contain more amount of iron and protein to make up for the losses in the dietary intake. Yoga can go a long way in the treatment of white or grey hair as insomnia and depression are also the causes for white hair. Yoga works wonders in the treatment of depression. Biotin can also be applied as an herbal remedy along with yoga exercises.

Pranayama (breath control) exercises of yoga works wonder for mental disorders as well as for treatment of a wide variety of mental and physical disorders. White hair makes one feel older and that leads to development of the feeling of old age leaving the person lazy and lethargic. Yoga rejuvenates the mind and body and helps one to stay in good mood all the time.

White hair may also be the cause of extra stress on the body. Yoga helps to reduce stress and provides exercise and flexibility to all the bodily organs so that one feels age. It helps one to be relaxed and comfortable. Color of the hair is also important as it prevents the scalp from the harmful ultraviolet radiations in the environment. Melanin imparts black color to the hair and yoga keeps the body fit and strong and helps in production of melanin. The hair turns grey not at the time of growing but because it doesn't get proper amount of moisture, which is required for the pigment to reveal the color.

Melanin production stops and the hair turns white or gray and it may be denoted as the death of the cell producing melanin. Melanocytes are the cells producing melanin and their capacity of melanin production decreases by little percentage every year and once the individual becomes older the hair starts turning gray and white.

Pranayam increases the amount of blood flow to the cells producing melanin which helps them retain the moisture for the production of it, hence helping them to keep the hair black. Pranayam includes the breathing exercises and also breathing from one of the nostrils alternatively helps in keeping the flow of oxygen great in the upper part of the body which helps to maintain the pigment of the hair color. Other asanas of yoga which includes mudra ( finger arrangements ) helps for the hair treatment as the hand has all the pressure points in the hands. From the variations of pranayam, Kapalbhati pranayam works wonders for the hair troubles.

Submitted by R J on August 8, 2008 at 07:16

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