After a Yoga Session

(September 3, 2010)

Can I take rest for an hour after doing yoga? Taking sleep for an hour after yoga is it good or bad?

Usually after any exercise or yoga session individuals feel more energetic and pumped up. Even though feeing fatigued after a yoga session is not common, there’s nothing wrong with resting for an hour after an intensive yoga session. Sometimes beginners to yoga may not come up to the mark for a few weeks. The lactic acid and toxins present in the body take time to get eliminated from the yoga movements and the body has to get used to it.
A pilates session consists of exercises that keep the mind engaged and body conditioned. Pilates focus on increasing the strength of your body and stretching while keeping balance and maintaining alignment. The main goal is to recondition your body by re-teaching the correct movement and form. In performing pilates the different muscles groups are worked on simultaneously through movement that is smooth and controlled. The pelvic girdle, abdominal and back muscles are given special attention. Regular practice of pilates improves balance and flexibility of the body. Your breathing capacity and stamina is also increased.
A fitness session can be performed by yourself or in a group. Having a balanced fitness session helps you maintain good health physically and mentally.  Group exercises are an excellent way to keep yourself motivated. You can also meet different people and have fun as your fitness improves. Fitness sessions sometimes include cardio workouts like boxing, weights, and other aerobic exercises that increase the heart rate. You could have yoga sessions combined with pilates exercises to improve your back and abdominal muscles. Joining a walking or running club can also be a very enjoyable and effective way to keep fit.
Meditation is inalienable from any yoga session, and practicing meditation is very useful in releasing the stress and anxiety that comes with the frenzied pace of modern life.  You could follow a few points to perform a typical meditation session. Firstly, you should find a place that’s quiet and where you won’t be disturbed. You could lie down or sit in a comfortable place. For a few minutes relax all your muscles from head to toe. Breathe through your nose and focus on your breathing which should be slow and easy. If you lose your focus don’t get discouraged. Instead, gently bring yourself back to your breathing. After you’re done you must make sure to move slowly for a couple of minutes.
Tai chi exercises combine breathing techniques and meditation with slow movements. In a tai chi session you will practice and learn a series of smooth and relaxed movements called a ‘form’.  Tai chi sessions are usually done in a group lasting for an hour. Each session is always begun with a warm-up exercise. The point below the navel from where the chi flows is focused on while doing the exercises. The students are encouraged to focus on their breathing and perform the exercises meditatively. An exercise to wind down and relax is done when the class ends. After regular practice with a teacher and learning the forms you can start practicing at home.

Submitted by A on September 3, 2010 at 07:28

After a session of yoga or any form of exercise, an individual usually feels spirited and energetic and there is no known case of fatigue after yoga session. However, it is not wrong to rest for an hour, or to sleep after an intensive yoga session. It is possible that as a novice, you may not feel up to the mark, for a few weeks after starting the yogasanas. This is because the body has yet to get used to the exercise and more importantly, all the movements in yoga cost the body to get rid of based matters such as lactic acid and toxins which take some time to get eliminated. During this process you are likely to feel tired and fatigued after a yoga workout. Once your body gets used to the exercise and the initial period of cleansing is over, it is likely that you will start to feel much better. During the initial days of the workout, if you have been feeling increasingly tired it is likely that the buildup of toxins in your body is very high. You may feel a slight increase in the usual aches and pains and stiffness throughout the day after the initial days of workouts. You may also start to feel bloated and drowsy but there is no need to be alarmed as these are symptoms and signs that the body is working hard to get rid of toxins in its system. Other symptoms may include soreness in the back, aches and the neck and shoulder muscles and overall malaise.

In order to bring down the soreness and the aches, stretch after every set of exercises on asanas. Gently perform all kinds of exercises and do not overdo it, but most importantly you not attempt in giving up, as any kind of discomfort that you're feeling is only temporary and will last only for a short time. After a yoga session it is advisable that you rest for a while, for approximately 20 minutes to half an hour. During that time of relaxation, it is a good practice to indulge in meditation techniques as it helps to bring about calmness in the physical self. Do not go in for a hot shower or a bath as hot water affects the internal organs and the glands.

It is widely known that the benefits of yoga are highly interlinked. The very practice of daily yoga brings about positive effects on the mood and the physical body. Studies done on the three basics of yoga known as asanas, or postures, breathing techniques and meditation have revealed heightened activity in the mind bringing about greater levels of happiness and better immune functionality in the body.

Submitted by C D on July 25, 2008 at 05:25

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