Prostate cancer remedies in Yoga

(November 9, 2010)

what are the yoga for prostate grade 1 problems

To grasp the full effect of the role that prostate cancer plays in the condition, one should have a basic idea of the functions of the prostate gland. The prostate gland is essentially an organ that is located at the base of the urinary bladder and is surrounded by the first part of the urethra.  The primary function of the gland is to produce a certain set of substances that are present in human semen such as sugar and minerals. During the younger years of a mans lifeline, the size of the prostate gland will be roughly the size of a walnut, however, as a result of aging, the size of the gland tends to increase over a period of time. As with any type of cancer, prostate cancer is the unrestricted growth of abnormal cells in the formation of a tumor in the prostate gland. The cancer will initially start to develop in the outer parts of the prostate and is known to be a rather common condition in adult males over the age of 50. Because of the fact that there aren’t too many prominent symptoms of the condition, especially in the initial period of development, most affected individuals will not even be aware of the conditions presence. With the constant search better living methods, prostate cancer yoga is widely considered to be one of the most naturally beneficial remedies for the condition. Prostate cancer yoga asanas can help substantially in the toning of deep pelvic muscles by promoting blood circulation and, coupled with a balanced diet, can be extremely beneficial.
Prostate cancer yoga will also require the individual to ensure that he or she makes sure to flow a low fat and plant based diet in order to reap the complete advantages of the practice. One of the most highly regarded prostate cancer fitness asanas is the dhanurasana, also known as the bow pose. The dhanurasana can be performed by simply lying flat on your belly on a yoga mat and place your hands along side the torso with your palms facing upwards. The continue to exhale while you bring your heels to your buttocks and raise your torso while holding your ankles with your hands and inhale while you lift your knees away from the buttocks, lifting the thighs away from the floor at the same time. To get the full benefits of yoga for prostate problems reduction, make sure to ensure that the shoulder blades are pushed firmly against the back and the top of your shoulders are drawn away from the ears and ensure that you do not stop breathing. When dealing with testicular cancer, yoga is known to be very effective and there are a number of highly recommended prostate cancer meditation that will work equally well with the condition.

Submitted by A on November 9, 2010 at 05:01

Prostate cancer refers to the type of cancer that affects the prostate glands in a man. This is one of the most common types of cancer that men across the world can suffer from. In some cases, the cancer remains restricted to the prostate gland, where it does not necessarily cause any serious harm. However, while there are some forms of cancer that require no treatment or minimal treatment, there are other types that spread quickly and are aggressive. If prostate cancer is detected early, it can be restricted to the prostate gland and can be treated, with a higher chance of success. In most cases, the treatment of prostate cancer depends on several factors. If the cancer has moved beyond the initial stages, doctors may recommend treatment options such as hormone therapy, radiation therapy, prostate removal surgery, chemotherapy and heating or freezing the prostate tissue. However, it is usually advisable to undergo a proper prostate cancer treatment plan, which includes the conventional treatments of chemo or radiotherapy with medications and complimentary treatments like prostate cancer yoga, prostate cancer exercise, and a prostate cancer yoga diet as well as prostate cancer lifestyle and home remedies.

Prostate cancer yoga
The ancient science of yoga has been used for centuries, not just in the prevention of prostate cancer, but also for treating, curing and recovering from the disease. Yoga for prostate cancer patients includes a lot of breathing technique practice, poses and exercises that strengthen the prostate gland. In fact, some of these yoga poses can also be a part of a pancreatic cancer yoga plan, as they, help strengthen the pelvic region. The most widely recommended prostate cancer yoga postures are:
• Pranayama (Breathing Techniques)
• Sarvangasana (The Shoulder Stand Pose)
• Yoga Nidrasana (The Yogic Sleep Pose)
• Dhanurasana (The Bow Pose)
• Paripurna Navasana (The Full Boat Pose)
• Navasana (The Boat Pose)
• Salamba Sirsasana (The Supported Headstand Pose)
• Virasana (The Hero Pose)
• Trikinasana (The Triangle Pose)
• Virabhadrasana I and II (The Warrior Pose I and II)

Prostate cancer yoga diet
People suffering from prostate cancer, can use a prostate cancer yoga diet to cleanse their bodies and flush all the toxins out. This is plan is strictly vegetarian and includes a lot of grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, that are low in fat, but are highly nutritious.

However, before practicing any of the prostate cancer yoga postures mentioned above or even before moving on to a prostate cancer yoga diet, it is important to check with a doctor.

Submitted by A on September 12, 2010 at 12:03

Prostate cancer remedies in Yoga 

Some yoga asana are really helpful to the prostate and can help tone the deep pelvic muscles there by promoting circulation. Diet and lifestyle has a major impact on our health, this is a proven belief by now and this holds true especially in the case of prostate cancer. With the help of a balanced diet, moving more towards grains and vegetables, a low fat and plant based diet along with yoga and other relaxation techniques helps a lot in preventing the further development of cancer and also reversal in some of the cancers in earlier stage. Yoga promotes flexibility, circulation, and stimulates the liver meridian. In general yoga helps a person to be more aware of his pelvic area in terms of his muscular control. Certain asanas like dhanurasana or bow pose, navasana or boat pose, virasana or hero pose, sarvangasana or shoulder stand, supta konasana or wide spread plow pose are excellent in the treatment of prostate cancer. Kegal exercise when performed while in virasana, bhekasana or frog pose also promotes good prostate health and overall benefit to the urogenital tract. Standing poses like trikonasana ot triangle pose and virabhadrasana or warrior pose both I and II helps to stimulate the liver meridian which is one of the key factor in prostate health.

Dhanurasana or bow pose – lie flat on your stomach on a yoga mat. Place your hands alongside your torso with palms facing upwards. Exhale and bring your heels close to your buttocks by bending your knees. Rise above and hold your ankle with your hands. Inhale and lift your knees away from the buttocks, lifting your thighs at the same time away from the floor. Press your shoulder blades firmly against your back, this way you will feel that you can open your heart. The top of the shoulders should be drawn away from the ears. Be sure not to stop breathing as with your belly pressed against the floor, breathing would be little difficult. Hold in this pose for 15 seconds (less if you feel uncomfortable) and while releasing exhale and lie on the floor quietly for few breaths.  

Submitted by S M on June 18, 2008 at 08:09

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