Exercise for increasing height

(June 24, 2008)

hi i am 13 year old girl and will turn out to be 14 this january!i am just 4 feet and 42 inches please tell me how to gain height!

Yoga Tips on how to increase height


Stay focused on daily practice of yoga and other forms of exercises in addition to a healthy diet and you will be amazed with the positive results as you grow older and taller.  You can start with surya Namaskar as it is a versatile form of exercise involving many body movements and is also highly instrumental in influencing the growth of an individual.  Yours is an ideal agent to begin exercising in order to influence growth and become taller.  Yoga when practiced at an early age can bring about beneficial results in the overall health and well-being in addition to achieving the desired results.  Gradually begin with three rounds of Surya Namaskar and progress to doing 12 rounds each day.  Another interesting for more of yogic pose is the Tree Pose also known as Vrikshasana. By setting aside 15 minutes of your time in practicing specific asanas such as the tree pose and surya Namaskar you'll be amazed to see the results.  There are a number of stretching exercises such as pull ups and push-ups, and the daily schedule of a good blend of yoga exercises and stretches will help you to grow tall. According to the proponents of yoga, it will be possible for you to increase your height by more than 3 inches with the help of these exercises.

Tadasana is also an ideal form of exercise for increasing height. In addition to exercise maintain a proper and well balanced diet and including proteins, necessary nutrients, minerals, calcium etc. with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and daily consumption of milk and yoghurt.

Additional outdoor activities such as bicycling and swimming will also help you to tone your body in addition to increasing your height. With advanced fitness levels you will discover a change in your personality and also a healthier body.

Submitted by C D on June 24, 2008 at 07:38

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