Yoga Asanas For Stiff Neck

(August 25, 2011)

For the last few years, I am suffering from stiff neck and GERD. Plus I have a very large waist line. How can I be cured?

Exercises For Stiff Neck

Those who are suffering from a stiff neck or neck pain can benefit from the various available yoga poses such as the cat pose and the cow pose. Both of these yoga poses are known to be effective against stiff necks as they involves the person being on their knees and hand in a typical tabletop position  and then they are required to arch their back  at different degrees while practicing the pose. Typically for a stiff neck one should start with the cat pose and then follow the same up with a cow pose. Neck stretches and half circles are also known to be effective against stiff necks. One should avoid full circles to supposedly loosen ones neck muscles as this may result in more harm to the already stiff neck muscles. To practice a half circle one should drop their chin towards their chest and then move the chin to the left shoulder and then to the right shoulder.

Submitted by S C on August 25, 2011 at 05:50

What's The Quickest Way To Taking Care Of A Stiff Neck?

A stiff neck is a painful condition to suffer from. Fortunately there are several remedies that can help alleviate this annoying problem. There can be many causes of a stiff neck. These can range from keeping an improper posture to stress. One of the ways you can deal with the stress in your life and avoid problems like a stiff neck is by doing yoga. Yoga is well known to help deal with stress and it is practiced by many for this very reason alone. Attempt yoga postures that extend the muscles and strengthens them. This will help in dealing with the problem of a stiff neck. Recommended exercises are Trikonasana (The Triangle Pose) and Nuaka Asana (The Boat Pose) among others. Apart from yoga ,you can also try warming the affected area. Do this by taking a shower with warm water or by using a warm compress on your neck. This helps the blood circulation in the area to improve and relieves you of the stiffness. Alternatively, you can use a cold treatment to get rid of this problem. Take some cubes of ice and rub it over the area. Do this about 3-4 times a day for relief. If these do not provide you relief, it would be necessary to consult a doctor for treatment.

Submitted by A on July 19, 2011 at 01:21

Would Yoga Help Me With My Upper Back And Neck Problems?

It is believed that yoga does help to alleviate the problems of the upper back and neck. However, having said this, it is also essential that you seek your doctor’s approval before embarking on any yoga routine to rectify these problems. Upper back and neck problems could signify a problem in the spinal column and medical intervention should be sought before trying alternative medicine. Back pain and neck pain can be attributed to many factors such as incorrect posture, a misalignment of the spine, muscle imbalances and even stress. Once your doctor has given you the green signal to opt for yoga, ensure that you contact a trained instructor who will then guide you through the proper yoga poses. Yoga is beneficial in treating upper back and neck problems as it helps to release any tension in the muscles in these areas. This helps to improve the back pain and neck pain and provides relief from this condition. Yoga also helps to improve one’s posture, strengthen the muscles, increase flexibility and balances the muscles as well. Many a time, stress and other emotional problems can lead to back pain or pain in the neck area. Yoga is known to help deal with these problems as well.

Submitted by A V on July 19, 2011 at 01:19

Will Yoga Or Lifting Light Weights Hurt My Neck?

Lifting weights or yoga, like any other exercise, must be practiced carefully and under supervision. If not, the chances of injury could be very high. Certain precautions must be taken while lifting light weights or while practicing yoga. Neck pain can often result from both these forms of exercise. You must not over exert yourself either doing yoga exercises or lifting light weights. This is a crucial and essential point that you must keep in mind while exercising. If you do not adhere to this, you could suffer from muscle soreness. Muscle soreness is a sign that the body has been overworked and this symptom is felt in the back and neck. Do not attempt to use any heavy weights at any time.

By doing this, you will be placing the neck under strain and there are chances of you injuring yourself. The neck does not have large and strong muscles like other parts of the body. Lifting light weights will not hurt your neck, provided you do the exercises properly. Three to four exercises, practiced about twice a week would be sufficient to strengthen the muscles in your neck. Do contact a doctor if you experience any pain in your neck after a weight lifting session. It is also advisable to stop such exercises or yoga until the pain subsides.

Submitted by R J on July 19, 2011 at 01:15

Stiff Neck And Constant Headache? Suggest Some Yoga Poses.

Yoga poses have been found to be beneficial in curing various ailments. Among these are a stiff neck, back pain, headaches and so on. Read on to find out more about the yoga poses you should practice to cure a headache and a stiff neck.

Headaches can be due to several reasons, stress being just one of these. Yoga is a good way to de-stress oneself and thereby alleviate one of the causes of constant headache. A stiff neck can also lead to a headache and  practicing Balasana ( The Child’s Pose) can help with both these problems. The Child’s Pose will have to be modified so as to support the torso and the back for it to help with the stiffness in the neck. This yoga posture reduces stress through out the body and also stretches the ankles, hips and thighs. Another useful pose for combating headaches is the Setu Bandha (The Bridge Pose). This pose helps to relieve anxiety, fatigue, calms the brain and alleviates depression as well.

Yoga can also help cure a stiff neck. Recommended exercises are Nuaka Asana ( The Boat Pose) and Trikosana (The Triangle Pose) among others. As with all yoga exercises, do consult your practitioner before trying out any of them.

Submitted by G M on July 19, 2011 at 01:13

Yoga For Stiff Neck

There are various yoga asanas ( postures) for the various parts of the body. These asanas target the specific part of the body and even help to get rid of various problems associated with that particular part. For instance, there are yoga postures that can help with back pain and so on. Yoga helps one to improve one’s health and fitness and this is why more people are turning to it as an alternative to traditional methods of healing. Do however, check with your medical practitioner before attempting any of the exercises given below.

Some exercises that can help you to cure a stiff neck are Trikoasana (The Triangle Pose) and Utthita Parsvakonasana ( Lateral Angle Pose), Gomukhasana ( The Cow Pose) and Marjariasana ( The Cat Pose). While practicing the last two poses, you will have to put your hands and knees in a basic table top position and the poses will involve arching your back as well.

GERD can be combated by doing a yoga exercise called Vaman Dhauti (Regurgitative Cleansing).This exercise should be carried out once a week as it removes undigested food and bile from the stomach.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana(Bridge Pose), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana ( Upward Facing Dog Pose) are among the many exercises which can help reduce your waistline.

Submitted by V A on July 19, 2011 at 01:11

Yoga Asanas can help you with all your problems. Yoga is a holistic and natural form of exercise that originated in India thousands of years ago. Yoga helps to alleviate ailments because it balances the body and helps to promote health and fitness.


Yoga Asanas For Stiff Neck

Stiff neck: Stiff neck is commonly caused by an involuntary action that passes a lot of strain to your neck. Sometimes, you get stiff neck even by sleeping in the wrong direction at night.

Nauka Asana (Boat pose): This yoga pose is very effective for your stiff neck. It also helps you cut the extra layers of fat from your waist line. Digestion is improved and the asana relieves you from constipation.

Steps to perform the boat Pose:

  • Lie down on the yoga mat with your face and chest facing upwards.
  • Extend your feet and arms forward.
  • While inhaling, raise the arms, head, neck, shoulder, back and legs as high as possible.
  • Focus on balancing your weight on the navel. Try to maintain this posture for long.
  • While exhaling, bring down the legs, hands and forehead to the ground.
  • Repeat the exercise, and perform all the steps very slowly.

Regurgitative Cleaning For GERD

GERD: GERD, which stands for Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease, is a condition in which bile, acid, and semi-digested food in the stomach comes back up into the esophagus.

Vaman Dhauti (Regurgitative Cleansing): Regurgitative Cleansing is a yogic technique that cleans the stomach and is very effective in GERD relief. Dhauti is a Sanskrit word that means cleansing of the stomach. Regurgitative Cleansing means cleansing by vomiting. The asana cleans the stomach and gives you relief in GERD. People who have GERD should repeat it at least once a week. Regurgitative Cleansing removes the bile as well as the undigested food from your stomach. It also cleans the gastrointestinal tract. Regurgitative Cleansing should be done early in the morning. All you need is a vessel with 1–2 liters of lukewarm water mixed with a small amount of salt.

Steps to perform Regurgitative Cleansing:

  • Change into light yoga clothes in the morning
  • Force yourself to drink as much of the water solution as you can
  • You will have an inclination to vomit.
  • Now keep your legs closer and bend to 90 degrees forward.
  • Touch your throat with the index and middle finger. Doing this will induce vomiting.
  • Continue vomiting until all the water is out.

Important Points: Bear in mind that this asana is not for beginners and should be done under the supervision of a yoga instructor initially. If you have a congestion of eyes, bleeding problem, or a heart problem, do not perform this Asana.

Submitted by V A on February 27, 2009 at 12:33

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