Yogasanas For Digestive System

(January 30, 2009)

What is the reason for bowel irregularities, and how to come out of this problem with yoga?

Bowel irregularities can be caused due to several reasons like unhealthy lifestyle, eating the wrong kinds of foods, chronic indigestion, extra sensitive digestive system, etc. You need to check what you eat. Make sure that you eat simple and healthy meals. Avoid foods that you know cause bowel disorders to you. Avoid eating refined oily and spicy foods. As far as possible have fresh foods such as vegetables, salads, fruits, curd and buttermilk. Chew your food well before you swallow it and eat at the same time daily if possible. Besides this you can do the following yoga asanas or postures.

  • Jathara Parivartanaasana| Revolved Abdominal Pose – This asana or posture is really beneficial for the internal organs and to relieve the stiffness in your back. It also helps to get rid of excess fats, tones your liver, pancreas and spleen. It boosts the strength of your intestines and also helps to keep your abdominal organs healthy. To do this you lay down on the floor on your back first. Then you stretch your arms out straight on your sides in a straight line with your shoulders. Raise your legs together as you breathe out and keep them straight. Maintain this posture while you breathe slowly. Then as you breathe out get your legs on the floor slowly so that the toes or your left leg touch your left hand. Try not to move your back from the floor; your legs should only turn from the hips. Maintain this posture for about 20 seconds and try not to move your legs. Keep them stiff. As you breathe out raise your legs in the same pose again and maintain it for around 20 seconds and then as you breathe out get your legs on the floor slowly so that the toes or your right leg touch your right hand. Maintain this posture for about 20 seconds and keep your legs stiff. Then as you breathe out raise your legs in the same pose again and maintain it for around 20 seconds. Then very slowly bring your legs down to the normal position and relax totally.
  • Apanaasana | Knees to Chest Pose – This asana or pose helps to keep your digestive system healthy and improves the elimination of wastes.
  •  Uttanaasana | Standing Forward Bend – This asana or posture helps to alleviate depression and stress. It also has a stimulating effect on the kidneys and liver and improves the functions of the digestive system.

Submitted by G M on January 30, 2009 at 04:22

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