Benefits of Practicing Natural Yoga Poses

By Patricia | April 22, 2009
Different Natural Yoga Poses

Mountain Pose

The Mountain Pose or Tadasana may appear to be simple and require no effort, but it is an excellent pose for the improvement of posture and alignment. It tones the spinal nerves and creates a deep sense of awareness throughout the body. The Mountain Pose demands attention to your position and requires focus on your breathing and great concentration. For this reason it is generally included as the starting point and end for most standing yoga sequences, and is also included in the middle.

The Mountain Pose is also extremely useful because it is also ideal as preparatory or resting yoga pose. During a demanding or intensive yoga session, practicing the Mountain Pose will make it easier to maintain and sustain that essential meditative focus.

The Mountain Pose also offers benefits in terms of physical fitness, as it strengthens the thighs, knees, and ankles. It also tones the muscles around the abdomen and buttocks.

Locust Pose

The Locust Pose is important to most yoga sessions. This pose appears simple enough, but like many other poses that appear simple it is actually quite challenging and interesting. The locust Pose is often recommended as a precursor to poses that are very demanding in terms of flexibility. This is because the Locust Pose is one of the best postures to strengthen the back. It builds and enhances the strength that is necessary to support the flexibility that is so characteristic of most yoga routines.

In addition to its strengthening effect of the back the Locust Pose also strengthens the abdominal muscles, and the upper and lower limbs. This yoga pose can also help release stress. The pose may be beneficial for your spinal region, but should be strictly avoided if suffering from a chronic back injury.

Gate Pose

The Gate Pose or Parighasana is an extremely good choice for a warm up before commencing your yoga routine. This is an invigorating pose that acts as a stretching exercise for the sides of your body, and also improves flexibility of the spine. The Gate Pose can help to tone the abdominal muscles and enhance circulation. It is also an excellent preparatory pose to the Triangle Pose. Both of these yoga poses stretch and work on similar areas, but the Gate Pose is a lot less intensive or demanding.

The Gate Pose can also help with your breathing, improving efficiency and increasing your ability for deep breathing as it stretches the muscles around the ribs. If you suffer from any kind of shoulder, hip or knee injuries or ailments, exercise caution and make it a point to consult with your physician.

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