Yoga Good For Cardiovascular Health Caused Due To Stress And Hectic Lifestyle

By Patricia | December 29, 2008
Yoga For Cardiovascular Health

Yoga is supposed to be very good for cardiovascular health. Since stress and bad lifestyle habits cause cardiovascular problems, yoga can combat both, with scientific breathing techniques and relaxation exercises. In fact, yoga is also good for overall fitness, which in turn can promote better health and well-being.

It is said that low heart variability rates are quite often the reason for cardiovascular problems. But through relaxation methods, one can raise the heart rate variability (HVR). An increase in HVR leads to better cardiovascular health.

Relaxation techniques help to control HVR. When a person gets stressed, then there is an increase in metabolism rate, breathing and blood pressure. Through yoga exercises and pranayama, you can relax your body and mind, slow down your metabolism and control your breathing. Yoga also helps in the functioning of the nervous system and the endocrinal glands. It also balances the cortical activities and reduces the stress hormones.

Yoga: Doing yoga regularly helps to relax the mind and the body, attaining a proper balance between the emotional, mental and the physical senses. As you do all the stretching exercises, your mind gets into a meditative state and you can focus better. The slow, fluid movements calm the mind and help to cope with a sensory overload. The stretching also increases the blood circulation to the muscles. An increase in oxygen levels in the body and better blood circulation also helps to reduce stress and improves fitness levels.

The relaxation techniques in yoga also help hypertension patients by helping control high blood pressure. Yoga also improves the flow of blood, while making the veins and arteries more flexible and elastic. This again reduces the chances of heart disease. There are a lot of pranayama and yoga poses that help to manage cardiovascular problems. Some of the common yoga postures are: Shavasana or Corpse posture; Yoga Nidra or yoga relaxation; Surya Namaskar or Sun salutation; Salabhasana or Locust pose; Padmasana or Lotus pose; Setu Bandhasana or Bridge posture; Camel pose; Bhujangasana or Cobra posture; and Bow posture. Ujjayi pranayama is also good for stress relief.

You should speak to your physician and a yoga teacher who can recommend certain yoga postures for cardiovascular health.

Meditation: Yoga asanas are said to prepare your body for meditation. It’s a good idea to find a quiet spot in your home where you can practice meditation. Meditation calms the mind, de-stresses you and evens out your metabolism. You also become more aware of your body through meditation.

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