How To Practice Vajrasana?

(November 10, 2011)

Vajrasana - Diamond or Thunderbolt Pose Steps

Vajrasana (Diamond Pose) increases the blood supply through your body and leaves you feeling and looking radiant. Vajrasana is a simple and easy pose with multiple benefits. Vajrasana yoga pose can be performed by anyone, irrespective of their level of maturity in practicing yoga postures.

Steps :

  1. Vajrasana steps begin with seating yourself on the ground.
  2. Bend your knees and tuck your feet under your thighs.
  3. Your toes should point outward from behind your body. Your body should be able to sit itself upon your heels.
  4. Sit erect with your backbone in an upright position. Lay the palms of your hands on your thighs.
  5. Now keep your head and eyes looking ahead and without tilting your jaws.
  6. Continue seated in this posture for some time.
  7. As you advance in your yoga practice, this asana can be done for a longer period of time.

Vajrasana yoga pose is extremely beneficial for rectifying any discomfort of your stomach. It prevents your body from accumulating excess flatus or wind, thus easing any painful cramps in the stomach. Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose, as it is also known, is a perfect posture for Pranayama (Breathing Techniques) and meditation. It is the sole exercise that can be practiced on a full stomach and allays indigestion and constipated bowel movements. Vajrasana also provides relief for your pain in the back and hips or pain due to sciatica. Vajrasana can also be performed in a backward lying down posture, which proves immensely helpful for your back and neck. Your back and neck need to be aligned when you practice this pose. Without giving even slight pressure on the palms of your hands, let the weight of your body rest on your spine. Breathe smoothly and normally while you sit in the Vajrasana yoga pose.

Consult a yoga instructor if you’re just starting out to ensure that you are performing the pose correctly. Several “how to” are also available online.

Submitted by G M on November 10, 2011 at 04:31

Please Suggest When Should One Practise Vajrasana And For What Duration

Vajrasana (Diamond Pose or Thunderbolt Pose) is a sitting pose in yoga that is very useful to boost the blood supply through your body. The effects of this simple pose are manifold, and you obtain much radiance and vigor after a session. The practice of Vajrasana should be done for a minimum of three to five minutes. As you advance in the practice of Vajrasana, you can continue the pose for greater durations. While sitting on your heels and in a normal breathing pattern, this pose is done prior to meditation or Pranayama (Breathing Techniques). It relieves your body from any discomfort of the stomach and wards off excess flatus collection in your body.

The practice of Vajrasana should be done possibly after a meal as it will cure all indigestion and the causes for any acidity to form in your stomach. If you have a chronic knee pain, then you should do this pose not beyond the stage when it hurts. You will benefit much to remove all pain of sciatica or your back or hips. The nerves of your legs are also strengthened during the practice of Vajrasana. One notable difference that Vajrasana brings into your life is that it makes your body and mind alert and strong. High blood pressure also gets corrected as you practice this yoga pose regularly. You can also do the other poses of yoga that require you to do Padmasana (Lotus Pose) by substituting it with this pose. Hence, this pose is highly recommended while you meditate or do the breathing exercises. As the fold of your legs regulate the blood supply to the lower part of your body, the practice of Vajrasana is quite effective after Shirshasana (Head Stand), where blood supply is routed to the upper part of the body.

Vajrasana is a highly effective yoga pose that boosts your blood supply and refreshes your mind and thoughts. Regular practice of Vajrasana does good to your body by warding off high blood pressure and diabetes and other ailments related to stomach disorders.

Submitted by A V on November 10, 2011 at 04:26

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