Yoga Practice

(July 25, 2008)

How to start practicing yoga? Please give me specific instructions.

Yogasanas aka yoga postures are quite distinctive from ordinary exercise. The emphasis of yoga is on relaxing the muscles as well as relieving tension in the body. The ultimate aim of yoga is not to bring about a beefed up or a muscular body, rather it helps to shape and Joan the various muscles in the body. Before deciding to start practice, it is important to understand which type of yoga is beneficial for the body and going from there, one must enroll in a qualified yoga class to better understand the movements and breathing techniques. Do not try to attempt learning yoga from the television or through a CD, as getting to know the different types of movements in coordination with the breathing can only be achieved with the help of personal guidance from a qualified instructor. Remember never to strain when performing any form of yogasana beyond the point of comfort. Since yoga relies heavily on the deep meditation and breathing, most benefits can be achieved through these elements of yoga.

Most yoga instructors begin by giving an example of a cat. The poise and composure of a cat is greatly admired from the viewpoint of the cat's mental and physical demeanor. Most yoga postures of yogasanas are not only a series of physical movements and poses, but it needs in bringing about mental awareness. In order to do so, you must learn the art of being deliberate in every movement so as to feel every muscle in the body and become conscious or a bed of the energy around you, as you impart direction to the movements in the muscles and joints.

As a beginner, you will be excited in increasing your practice. However remember to perform yogasana in moderation, and gradually learn to alter your lifestyle and eating habits. To bring about the maximum results from yoga, one must learn to exercise control over daily habits such as food, sleep or indulgence of any kind. By practicing yoga you will be able to live in harmony with yourself and with nature. Try to get as much sunshine during the day and the close touch with the elements and elegance of nature, rather than the confines of man-made luxuries.

Always remember to practice yoga on an empty stomach or preferably at least three to four hours after any meal. The body should be in a state of calmness and composed manner before beginning a yoga practice. It is not advisable to practice yoga after any form of strenuous activity. All forms of yoga since must be practiced with the greatest of caution and without taking any form of position of posture for granted. Moreover, any form of yogasana which rise to discomfort or pain of any kind, must be immediately discontinued and abandoned till the cause of the pain has been determined and ruled out.

Submitted by C D on July 25, 2008 at 05:35

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