Height gain asanas

(June 19, 2008)

I am 25 years old boy. My height is 5'-2.My father and Mother also have got small heights. Is it possible for me to grow taller or by any other means? If yes, plz Recommend the best one.

Yoga to increase height 

It is not possible for you to increase your height or stimulate your growth hormones after a certain age, post puberty and certainly not after the age of 25. As you have described the height of both your parents, you can see from your own experience as well as your parents, that genetics plays a very important role in determining the height of the individual. Yogasanas can help to an extent of improving your back posture and strengthening your spinal cord in order that the postures attained while standing, walking and sitting are corrected and improved. It can help to boost your self confidence to a great level and also help you to feel good about yourself by relieving mental stress and tension about how your height.

Since gaining or increasing height is not possible through normal means, the drive of becoming tall must not be your goal at this stage; rather you must concentrate and focus your energies on better health and a stronger personality. Performing yoga daily can help you to achieve a calm and composed mind in addition to clearer thinking thus leading to self-assurance without worries. Concentrate on doing Surya Namaskar daily in the morning for 15 minutes and practice sukhasana for at least 10 minutes daily. These two asanas will help you to strengthen your back and also provide body toning that can make your posture erect while standing and walking.

There are surgical methods to increase height and that can be best discussed with a cosmetic surgeon. However there maybe complications and side effects involved in such surgical procedures that includes methods to lengthen the spine or add inches to the skull. These and other surgical operations are sometimes resorted to, by patients who are extremely eager to add inches to their height.

Submitted by C D on June 19, 2008 at 01:07

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