Knowledge of Yoga

(November 9, 2010)

What is yoga

To achieve a healthy body, the knowledge of yoga and the practice of different postures and breathing exercises can be very beneficial. Yoga is a traditional discipline that originated in India. The practice of yoga has been going on for thousands of years. It consists of principals and observations of the connection between the mind and body. For a calm mind and a fit body, knowledge of different yoga forms like Hatha yoga and Ashtanga yoga can be useful. The development of the body with the knowledge of yoga can be greatly improved with the regular practice of the postures.
To strengthen and reduce pain of the back, knowledge of yoga postures like Cat pose, Cobra pose, and Locust pose can be very useful. The Cat pose done along with the Downward facing dog pose is very effective in strengthening the muscles of the back. To perform the Cat pose you should position yourself on your hands and knees. With your back perfectly straight slowly bring it to an arched position. The Cobra pose is also an excellent pose to strengthen the back. To do the Cobra pose you should start by lying on your stomach and keeping your legs flat on the ground. Keep your arms bent and place your palms on the ground under your shoulders. Then slowly raise your upper body up with the help of your hands.
To gain a fit body, knowledge of exercise routines and consistent practice is essential. Doing exercise helps protect you from stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and also helps in reducing stress. It is recommended by experts that you should perform an aerobic activity lasting for 20-30 minutes at least three times a week. You should also include some exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles at least two times a week.
If you want to increase strength without having a bulky body, knowledge of pilates will be helpful. Long and lean muscles can be developed through the practice of pilates exercises. The muscles are toned perfectly making the body develop proportionately. The pilates exercises concentrate on the back, pelvic, and abdomen muscles. The strengthening of these muscles ensures a good posture and patterns of movement that are efficient.
For improvement in fitness of the body, information on yoga can be found in various yoga books as well as on the internet. It is important, however, that you don’t try performing these postures without the guidance of a qualified instructor.

Submitted by A on November 9, 2010 at 04:59

The word Yoga stands for “union” and the practice of Yoga aims at realizing the unity of our entire being. This purpose of this Hindu discipline is to achieve a state of tranquility and spiritual insight. While the ancient practice of yoga has become very popular in the modern world, not a lot of people have the proper knowledge of yoga.

The knowledge of yoga
Yoga can be described as an art or a science that promotes better health and a higher quality of living. Through various breathing techniques, exercises and asana (poses), this art strives to achieve both physical fitness and at the same time, spiritual enlightenment in a person. The knowledge of yoga, along with its practice can help a person attain a better level of mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and social health.

The art of yoga
Though it is scientific in nature, the art of yoga is a project that has helped thousands of people in numerous ways. The art of yoga is aimed at offering a multi dimensional approach for building self esteem, self awareness and self respect, all of which are important for a person to choose to live a healthy life. The goals of the art of yoga are promoting active social behavior, positive relationships, responsibility, empathy, self control and accountability towards everybody.

The science of yoga
Yoga is often referred to as the “science” of health and healing. Yoga is the science of personal growth for spiritual experience. The science of yoga represents a very practical and logical application of Yoga, as a form of therapy. With the help of various breathing techniques, exercises and asanas yoga has cured or has brought about an improvement in many health conditions. This is probably why Yoga has been included as an integral part in several rehab institutions, weight loss centers and stress management programs. People who are recovering from surgeries, accidents, diseases or trauma are also asked to practice yoga on a regular basis.

Facts of yoga
Most people will agree that the word “yoga” conjures up the image of a skinny, turbaned man performing headstands and various other body contortions. However, this isn’t a very fair perception of the discipline and stems from a lack of knowledge of yoga. If you look for more information of yoga, you will see that while meditation & exercise are a vital part of the science of yoga, they help channel your energy in many positive ways. This practice is now recommended even by health experts, for people of all ages.

Submitted by A on September 16, 2010 at 07:34

Yoga is a Southeast Asian exercise and mediation ritual. It dates back several thousand years in India. It comprises of several forms and styles, including Hatha, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Bikrim and many others. All yoga focuses on a series of poses, or asanas that release tension and brings balance to various parts of the body. An entire yoga session aims to bring overall balance to the body and mind. Most yoga sessions start with deep breathing in pray pose (sitting or standing) and continue with the asanas at various paces. Most styles of yoga end with meditation known as shivasana. Shivasana entails consists of breathing and is usually done lying down.

Yoga is very beneficial for overall well-being. It will not, however, eliminate many genetic problems. The key to yoga’s success is that it relieves stress, which is an underlying cause for many ailments and illnesses related to modern life. Specifically, yoga can be very helpful for anxiety, depression and tension related difficulties.

Yoga however, should not be attempted without proper instruction from a trained professional. While yoga may seem easy at first, some of the more advanced poses require concentration and patience.  Some poses are even counter-indicative for many aliments and can often do more damage than good.

Submitted by R W on November 12, 2007 at 01:35

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