Yoga For Irregular Period

(June 15, 2011)

I have irregular mentrual periods. Is there yoga for that? Sometimes I don't get periods for over 6 months, are there special Yoga for that ?

Yoga asanas:
More and more people the world over are turning to yoga for weight loss. Yoga is an excellent workout as it builds muscle in the different yoga positions that you perform. If you have never practiced yoga before, start of with some yoga asanas for beginners. There are about 84 yoga poses in totality, but a beginner does not have to start practicing all of them. Some recommended yoga poses for beginners are Trikoasana (Triangle Pose), Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog), Parsvottonasana (Pyramid Pose), and Prasarita Padottanasana (Standing Straddle Forward Bend) among others.

Yoga for thyroid:
Practicing yoga is one way of keeping the thyroid gland functioning well. There are two kinds of thyroid problems – hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. The former is when the gland is over active while the latter is when the gland is underactive. Yoga is often recommended in the treatment of thyroid problems as yoga exercises help to stimulate the function of pituitary, pineal adrenal glands and thyroid glands. This helps to regulate and normalize the functioning of these glands. Some yoga exercises that help to do this are Yashtikasana (Stick Pose), Naukasana (Boat Pose), Matsyasana (Fish Pose), and Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) and so on.

Yoga for constipation:
Yoga is a good form of exercise to get relief from the problem of constipation, even when you are pregnant. Yoga is often considered an effective home remedy to deal with constipation. Constipation is a problem faced by almost everybody sometime in their lives. Here are a few yoga asanas (postures) that will help you to alleviate the problem. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) – this posture helps a person to pass stools normally. Supta Vajrasana (Thunderbolt) helps in digestion and thereby relieves constipation as well. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is yet another yoga posture that can help with constipation.

Bhujangasana benefits:  
Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose) is so called because it imitates the look of a raised hood of the cobra. This is one of the basic yoga postures that is practiced in almost all the different kinds of yoga. This pose is performed by lying flat on one’s stomach and placing one’s hands flat on the floor. The palms of the hands should then raised without lifting the abdomen. This be in alignment with one’s shoulder. The head and chest are pose is then held for a few seconds before returning to the normal position. There are many benefits of Bhujangasana. Some of these are strengthening the spine and the buttocks, improves and helps in the treatment of asthma, reducing sciatica pain, stretching the shoulders, arms, chest and abdominal muscles, relieving stress among others.

Lion pose:
The Lion Pose (Simhasana) is one of the more invigorating poses that is practiced in yoga classes. This pose imitates the body position and facial expression of a lion that is roaring. This is an easy posture to practice and can be performed by both children and adults. There are many advantages of doing this pose. One of them is that it is a good facial exercise and one exercises the facial muscles while doing this pose. It is also recommended for those people who suffer with throat problems like a sore throat or tightness of the jaw muscles, or even tonsillitis.

Yoga for concentration:
Having a good memory is essential for our daily lives. Our memory helps us to retain information about past events and also helps us plan for any future events.  However, many times as we grow older, our memories start to fade. One way to improve our memory is by practicing yoga for concentration. Certain yoga techniques can help one to recall information as well as maximize concentration. Self discipline in yoga helps one to do this. For instance, pranayama or the breathing exercises in yoga help to improve one’s memory. Meditating daily for about 15-20 minutes will help improve one’s memory and concentration.  

Yoga for pcos:
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a common hormonal problem that affects women in their reproductive years. Nowadays, yoga is recommended as a form of treatment and as a cure for PCOS. Studies have shown that certain yoga poses have proved effective to PCOS patients. The most common form of yoga recommended for PCOS is Kayakalpa yoga. Kayakalpa yoga helps to control the endocrinal glands in the body. Certain postures in this Kayakalpa yoga help to both reduce and control the formation of cysts in the ovary. Yoga that is practiced by PCOS patients can be in the form of sitting, lying or supine positions.   

Yoga for irregular periods:
Irregular periods can pose a problem when you are trying for a baby. An irregular menstrual cycle can also signal more serious problems like pregnancy complications, polycystic ovarian syndrome, uterine cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease and so on. Yoga can help women, particularly those who are reaching menopause to find relief from irregular cycles. Some well known poses in yoga that help with this problem include Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose), Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose), Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose).  Many women are known to use yoga to help them deal with the problem of irregular periods.

It is a well known fact that yoga is beneficial for both the mind and body. There are several mental, physical and emotional benefits that yoga provides. Studies have also shown that yoga can help with menstrual problems like irregular periods. Doing yoga for regular periods will ensure that your mind and body get a total workout and you will achieve an overall sense of wellbeing. A regular exercise program that includes yoga daily will help to alleviate the pain women experience during their periods as well as regularize their menstrual cycle. One specific asana that helps women in this regard is Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose).

Kapalabhatti pranayama is a breathing technique that affects all parts of the respiratory system. It is known as the cleansing breath technique. There are many benefits of Kapalabhatti and some of these are: reducing constipation, improving the functioning of the heart and lungs, removal of all foul gases from the body, including carbon dioxide, improves digestion, reduces respiratory allergies, flatulence and acidity.

Yoga asanas can be very helpful only if done in the right manner and therefore it is necessary that you have a trained yoga professional to help you with the various yoga poses. This would help in the treatment of many illnesses and also keep you healthy in mind and body.

Submitted by A on June 15, 2011 at 05:37

You have mentioned that sometimes you do not get periods for over six months. You have not mentioned your age or whether you are suffering from a particular illness. In most cases this happens during menopause that is when your periods are about to stop naturally. It happens around the age of 50 and above in most women. So if your problem is due to menopause then you do not need to worry about it but do go and see a gynecologist in any case whether it is due to menopause or other problem. Your doctor might have to do some tests to see what the problem is and if you have any hormonal imbalance or not. Usually a normal cycle is of 28 days and the menstrual period may be for around 4 to 7 days. An irregular cycle may occur due to several reasons like hormonal imbalance, extreme stress and trauma or anxiety, crash diets resulting in sudden weight loss or weight gain, excessive exercising, certain strong medicines or taking emergency birth control pills frequently without consulting your doctor or certain illness.

Yoga does help with the problem of irregular periods as it affects and brings a balance between your mind and entire body. It works to deeply cleanse, detoxify, massage the internal organs, clear blockages and improve the blood and oxygen flow in each and every part of your body. This helps to normalize all the internal functions in your body.

The following yoga asanas are useful in normalizing the irregular periods:
  • Bhujangasana or the cobra pose is great for your spine and also considered beneficial in irregular periods.
  • Sarvangasana or the Shoulder Stand increases the blood circulation, as it is an inverted pose that makes the blood rush in the opposite direction.
  • Ardha Chakrasana or the Half Wheel is really very good for you as it will stimulate the energy chakras or centers and will also strengthen your back.
  • Svastikasana mainly reduces the strain caused on your heart improving its function helps to tone your abdomen and improves the functions of your backbone.
  • Virasana helps to completely stretch your body from head to toe so your entire body benefits from it.
  • Padmasana is mainly used during meditation. This pose is considered to be the destroyer of all the problems in the body.
  • Trikonasana helps to make your back supple and also strengthens it. Besides it also stimulates the blood circulation.

Submitted by G M on January 21, 2009 at 11:44

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