Tailbone Hurts: Yoga Poses As An Alternative Therapy To Treat Tailbone

By Patricia | April 19, 2009
Yoga To Treat Tailbone Ailments

Your tailbone can affect the alignment of your body, and in a normal body, it should point downwards. If the tailbone is curled, tucked or misaligned, it can cause your body to lean or project itself in an incorrect manner. Along with conventional medicine, you could perhaps give an alternative therapy like yoga a chance.

Yoga, an ancient discipline from India, is known to be extremely useful in healing the human body. Certain exercises for the lower back, spine or shoulder area can cause undue pressure on your tailbone causing it to hurt. On the other hand, if your tailbone hurts, there are exercises to help with the pain as well.

A strong, straight lower back is extremely important for your overall posture. 'Utkatasana' or the chair pose is extremely useful in strengthening your lower back area where the tail bone is. In this pose, while standing, bend your knees and position your entire body in such a way that it feels like you are sitting on an imaginary chair. In this exercise, you tone the lower back muscles as the entire body weight is resting in this area. It will help make the muscles around your tailbone stronger to avoid any pain.

'Halasana' or the plough pose is a helpful asana to ease any muscle tension in the pelvic area. In this pose, lie flat on your back and lift your legs off the floor over and beyond your head such that your legs touch the ground. You can place your hands under your hand to provide it with extra support if you feel your tailbone is hurting. Your pelvis gets an extremely good stretch with this asana, with the result that tailbone also gets exercised and is properly aligned.

A simple exercise to strengthen your tailbone area is the 'Uttanasana' or the standing forward bend. In this pose, without bending your knees, bend your torso forward and grasp your ankles you're your hands. This exercise is useful in relieving any stiffness or stress in the muscles surrounding the tailbone. In this pose, the entire spine needs to be strong, else there is too much pressure on the tailbone area alone.

Try avoiding the 'Setu Bandhasana' or the bridge pose if your tailbone hurts. For this pose, you need to lie on your back, lift your hips and pelvic area alone in the air while keeping your arms next to your body. This exercise puts undue pressure on the tailbone area as the entire body is balanced on this part.

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