Yogic Diet For Diabetic Patients

By Patricia | November 28, 2008
Yogic Diet For Diabetes Patients

While we shall explain the yoga diet for diabetes, it is also important that you learn the importance of self awareness, self restraint, self reliance, and in a holistic manner. This you should focus on all aspects: physical, mental and emotional, spiritual. Above all, you must recognize the role of emotional imbalances, stress and tension in your life. You will have to alter not just your diet but your living habits as well, on account of this condition. While diabetes is far from fatal, it is a cumbersome condition, and one that you need to overcome.

Diabetes is rated as the 7th leading cause of death by itself in the US, as well as the 6th leading cause of death as an indirect result of the condition. Even though diabetes still remains under-reported as a direct or indirect cause of death, every year on an average, hospitals and clinics in the US alone report around 180,000 deaths from diabetes or its many other complications.

Yoga Diet For Diabetes

Remember, there is no alternative to a healthy lifestyle; this begins with food habits. Please avoid all artificial foods and processed foods high in preservatives. Regulate your diet throughout. For instance, take pains to avoid artificial sweeteners and sugars like white sugar, honey, glucose, chocolates and sweets. Have plenty of complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, brown rice corn, and beans foods rich in fiber and nutrients. This holds true not just for diabetics, but for all individuals irrespective of their health. In fact, a regular yoga practitioner will, abstain from such foods naturally.

In addition to the above, see that your food is predominantly vegetarian and not too rich in particularly in oils and greasy stuff, no matter how refined or putatively healthy. Have plenty of salads and, if possible, include one or two slices of bitter gourd in every salad. Have dried fruits, but sparingly.

Yoghurt is another great food for diabetics, particularly, when made from skimmed milk and prepared at home. But avoid ready-to-eat packs from the shelves of supermarkets. They are known contain preservatives that can be harmful, rather than helpful. So, prepare your yoghurt at home. Most people do this easily, by adding to a glass of lukewarm, skimmed milk a spoonful of yoghurt. Then leave it to curdle and form, overnight. However, never have yoghurt at dinnertime since its acidic content is likely to prove harmful to the respiratory system, joints and even overall digestion.

Also resist the urge to overeat. Diabetics are said to be emotional eaters, especially under stress, so please make it a point to exercise restraint here. It will help you maintain your regulated eating habits. We also suggest you enroll into a Yoga class and start practising overall Yoga, particularly the Pranayama (breathing exercises). This will also help reduce stress and make it easier for you to incorporate the necessary lifestyle changes.

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