Causes and Symptoms of Severe Body Aches & Fatigue

By Patricia | October 9, 2009

Causes and Symptoms of Fatigue and Pain

A severe body ache generally causes the total disruption of your normal routine. It can cause you to considerably slow down your actions as well as continuously distract you from your ongoing tasks due to the element of fatigue and pain. While pain is, more often than not, considered to be a disruptive factor, it is also a warning signal that the body requires some immediate recuperation and attention. If the aches are noticeably prominent on the muscle areas of your body, all that may be required is a significant amount of rest. However, at times, more than just plain rest is required to get your body up and running at a respectable level of overall health. Before you start to work on treating the condition, it is important to identify the main cause of it. Some body aches and pains are brought on by an infection of the cold or flu, which means that the treatment would need to be focused on general recovery of the body by making sure that it gets proper rest, nutrition, and maybe even supportive medication that may be prescribed by your doctor. Obesity is also known to be a significant factor in the onset of full body pain. If this is the case, you may want to massage the areas that hurt the most, such as the lower back, with some herbal oils that provide almost instant relief. You could also make it a point to consume 1 large teaspoon of lemon juice and fresh carrot juice on a daily basis.

Get Rid of Body Aches

You could also try getting rid of your body ache by performing some kinds of gentle to moderate exercises, even though they may be the last things that appear on your agenda. However, you should make sure that you do not over-exercise as that would only increase the amount of discomfort that you presently experience. While resting the muscles is a very essential part of the recovery process, you must make sure that you do not overdo this to a point where there are long periods of inactivity as this could cause them to become prone to disuse and soreness and they will tend to atrophy. Good sleep has immense therapeutic value that is underrated and could help considerably in getting rid of your body aches and pains. Lack of good sleep can be often attributed to a poor mattress, sleep or brain abnormalities or even too much stress or an excessive intake of alcohol or caffeine.

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