Indigestion yoga medicines

(November 9, 2010)

Problem of indigestion and thermometer shows temperature below normal always????

There are many yoga poses for digestive health which are beneficial for those suffering from acid reflux, flatulence, acidity, abdominal pain and constipation. Digestive problems occur due to several factors like poor diet, stress, food allergies, lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle. To improve digestion yoga poses that focus on the stomach and intestines may be performed. These asanas or poses help to enhance digestion in a number of ways. They increase the absorption of food, improve gastrointestinal circulation, reduce gas formation, prevent excessive acid formation and reduce the risk of constipation or diarrhea. A low body temperature can occur due to many factors, the most common being a cold environment. Some other causes that lead to low body temperature are diabetes, liver or kidney problems, excessive alcohol consumption and hypothyroidism. In case you are experiencing other symptoms such as weakness, reduced heart rate and shivering, it is advisable to seek medical attention.
There are a few points to keep in mind before performing a digestion yoga routine. Firstly, yoga poses and breathing exercises should be performed on an empty stomach, preferably early in the morning. A glass of warm water may be consumed before beginning. You can begin with pranayama or controlled breathing and then progress to the poses. Yoga poses provide the maximum benefits when they are done slowly. You may practice yoga for a minimum of thirty minutes each morning. You may take a shower half an hour after completion of the exercises. You can further improve digestion by consuming a breakfast of fresh fruits. Those with any medical conditions such as appendicitis or hernia should avoid practicing yoga. Exercise should also be avoided by those who have recently undergone surgery. It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting any exercise program.
Some basic yoga positions include Mandukasana (Frog Pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) and Salabhasana (Locust Pose). Breathing exercises such as Kapalabhati (Rapid Breathing) and Nadi Sodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing). To promote better digestion, proper bowel movements and also improved respiration, yoga poses such as Tadasana (Mountain Pose) is beneficial. Practicing these poses on a regular basis will strengthen the digestive system and allow it to function properly. It is also important that you regulate your dietary habits and incorporate more healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables into your meals. Avoid oily, sugar-rich foods and restrict the intake of coffee and tea.

Submitted by A on November 9, 2010 at 04:56

For a lot of people indigestion is a common problem that happens for a short while and goes away once remedial procedures are taken. Problems of digestion usually occur because of the consumption of certain foods that disturb the digestive system. Chronic indigestion could be due to many reasons. It could be because of overeating, the type of food, not getting enough exercise, or eating food that is not cooked properly or because of irregular routines and eating habits. The practice of yoga for indigestion is very effective in bringing about relief. When practicing yoga for indigestion, some asanas should be avoided or practiced with care.
Practicing the different yoga poses for indigestion can help the digestive system regain its proper functioning. They not only tone and strengthen the body but also help increase the metabolic rate. The poses of yoga for indigestion rid the digestive system of the accumulated gases which can cause chronic pain. They help by supplying the different parts of the body with enough oxygen and blood, making them active. Yoga for indigestion includes postures like the Plough pose and Free wind posture, which help in the elimination of accumulated gas in your body. Yoga postures for indigestion like the Corpse pose help in the rejuvenation and relaxation of the body.
To perform the Plough pose you must begin by lying flat on the ground. By supporting your legs with your hands raise them to a 90 degree angle. Then raise your legs further to a 180 degree angle and rest your hands comfortably on the floor. Once you complete this routine you can release yourself slowly from the pose. To perform the Free wind posture you must again begin by lying flat on the floor. Raise your head a bit and let one of your knees come forward. With both hands you should hold your knee. When you finish with one knee do the same with the other.
Other yoga poses for ingestion like Wind relieving pose, Plough Pose and Boat Pose are very beneficial. However, you must always remember to practice these poses under the guidance of a qualified instructor to avoid any injury. For the yoga poses to be most effective you must follow a yogic diet consisting mainly of vegetables, fresh fruits, and a healthy combination of important food groups. Following a yogic diet is beneficial in detoxifying your digestive system and strengthening and increasing your immunity.

Submitted by A on September 16, 2010 at 05:41

Indigestion yoga medicines 

Yoga improves digestion by holding blood flow in certain body parts while the asana is performs and then flooding that area of body with blood and oxygen. Oxygen is very important for normal organ function and has different healing properties. Certain standing poses which help to deal with indigestion are triangle and revolve triangle pose or trikonasana and parvritta trikonasana, parsvakonasana, half moon pose, and ustrasana or camel pose. Most of the standing poses are helpful for indigestion and constipation.

Vajrasana – this is a very beneficial and easy pose in yoga which helps to improve digestion. This should be preformed 10 minutes daily after every meal. Sit on the mat place on the floor with your legs straight. Fold one leg at a time slowly at the knee and place the toe on the floor. Join the two toes and sit on the pit which is formed by the parted heels. Place your palms on the knees and relax in this position. You can gradually increase the duration for which you can sit in this position. This asana helps to improve digestion and relieve constipation and also channelizes the subtle of energy in the human body. While performing this asana it is important to have a correct posture, keep your head, spine and neck in a straight line. 

Submitted by S M on May 23, 2008 at 04:28

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