Yoga exercise for shoulder pain

(June 14, 2011)

I am Software age is 25. Whole day i sitting on chair. so more pain in my shoulder. Doctor say's It is a Spondylolysis. so pls send me effective yoga on this pain.

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that is designed for physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Yoga originates from ancient India and has developed over thousands of years into one of the most comprehensive forms of exercise. The basic aim of yoga is to ensure that the body regains the flexibility that it is designed to have in the first place. Yoga involves a series of positions known as asanas. These positions help to stretch and flex the various parts of the body with the aim of providing complete exercise. A number of yoga positions involve a great deal of concentration because the individual needs to focus in order to maintain balance. This helps to harness the mental skills of an individual as well. It is this aspect of yoga that enhances its popularity when compared with other exercise forms. While there are a number of different schools of yoga with differing approaches, the basic fundamentals of yoga remain the same.

Each arm of the body is connected to the torso through the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint is designed to be flexible and strong. This is what allows for the arm to rotate across a wide ranging axis. The strength of the joint is designed to endure a huge amount of force. This force is mostly related to lifting, pulling and pushing, all actions that are important during daily life. The term shoulder pain refers to discomfort felt in the joint when it is static, when it is moving or during both situations. In many cases, shoulder pain is felt when the joint is under pressure such as when using the arms. Naturally dislocation or injury related damage is fairly obvious and is related to bone fractures. However, there are a number of tendons and ligaments in the shoulder which can easily get damaged if an abnormal force affects the area. This abnormal force could be either due to a strange angle of the force or due to excessive force.

When suffering from shoulder pain, the patient must visit a doctor for an analysis of what is wrong in the joint. Once this is understood, the nature of the treatment required can be understood. Shoulder pain exercises should be performed only when the diagnosis suggests that the joint is weak and is therefore suffering from pain. If there is a tear or break in the joint, this would need a period of rest when mobility is severely restricted. However, when the shoulder is painful because of weakness or lack of movement, there are several applications of yoga for shoulder pain.

A number of simple and basic yoga exercises can be applied when one wishes to use yoga for shoulder pain. The most common yoga shoulder pain positions include the downward dog position, the bridge pose and the cross legged forward bend. The aim of these positions is to flex the shoulder joint and provide it with greater mobility. When this happens, blood circulation to the area should improve. Improved blood circulation will lead to a situation where the pain felt will diminish. Furthermore, as the individual continues with his or her program of yoga for shoulder pain, the pain should ideally reduce.
When practicing yoga for back and shoulder pain, one should take it extremely easy. Yoga students will know the difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ pain. Good pain is the type of pain that is felt when the muscle is stretching and releasing itself. Bad pain is felt when the muscle or joint is twisting or being pushed too far. This basic understanding will be useful when applying yoga for back and shoulder pain. The individual must ensure that the exercises are conducted in such a way that the pain is associated only with the stretching and releasing of muscles. When this type of pain is felt, it indicates that progress is being made. Over time, the patient will feel less pain in the affected area if progress is truly being achieved.

During shoulder pain evaluation, it may be noted that the patient is suffering from shoulder pain due to side sleeping or shoulder pain after sleeping. These are both indicators of the fact that the individual’s body is unfit and is therefore suffering from pain related to stiffness. Some people may also be suffering from age related conditions like arthritis. If the doctor allows it, the patient should try and do some yoga exercises to help improve flexibility and strength. Over time, these exercises will ensure that the joint is stronger and therefore healthier. Many patients have reported that they have experienced an improvement in the state of their health after having practiced yoga for a period of time.

When the patient is suffering from shoulder pain after a fall or shoulder pain after surgery, the treatment option is quite different. In these cases, the joint is usually damaged in some way and needs to heal. Patients with this type of pain should visit their doctor for a thorough analysis to be conducted. Using X-ray imaging, the nature of the injury can be understood. Most of these injuries require periods where the individual will avoid all movements of his or her hand. The use of a brace or cast may also be necessary. Once sufficient healing has taken place, the patient will need to enroll in some form of therapy which involves exercise for shoulder pain. Yoga is extremely popular for such types of therapy as it can be done at home and can be ramped up extremely slowly. As the individual develops improved strength, more complicated exercises can be attempted.

It is important that an individual seek the guidance of a trained yoga professional when starting a program of yoga exercise for shoulder pain. This is necessary at the beginning because the professional will be able to recommend the right sort of exercise and the right pace at which the exercise can be ramped up as well. This will ensure that progress takes place at a healthy pace without the risk of further injury. 

Submitted by A on June 14, 2011 at 01:13

Office jobs often cause people pain stress and tension in their neck and shoulders. This is generally caused by sitting in one position for a prolonged period of time and/or prolonged typing at a computer.  One way to prevent this from occurring is to make sure you take timely breaks from your work to stand up and walk around.  If this is not possible, yoga can often help unlock tension in the neck and shoulders.  

From your chair you can do a wide variety of yoga asanas that are modified.  Start with a modified tree pose: sitting in your chair with your feet together underneath you, raise your arms into the air and put your hands into prayer position.  Keep your shoulders relaxed and hold for 6 breathes.  You can also do a modified forward bend from your chair as well: sitting in your chair with your feet and knees together, lean forward from the waist, letting your arms hand to the floor.  Rest your head on your lap and take deep breathes, letting your neck and shoulders relax.  Finish up your mini yoga session from your chair by doing shoulder circles, followed by relaxing your neck to your chest for 10 breathes.  With time, hopefully this will help your condition.

Submitted by R W on November 15, 2007 at 04:41

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