Question on number of yoga poses and animals

(November 9, 2010)

How Many Yoga Poses are there involving Types Of Animals

Yoga animal poses are those poses in yoga which imitate animal poses. There are several yoga animal poses as the early yogis were influenced by their natural surroundings. The ancient yogis observed the animals and learnt a great deal from them, in particular , about their abilities and aptitudes. The result of this was that many yoga animal postures were derived from certain animals in the hope of emulating the skill, flexibility and power of these animals. The yogis also observed that the animals were relatively free from illnesses and aches and pains. Therefore the yoga animal poses were made to stretch the muscles, spine, upper arms, thigh and back.

Some of the well known yoga animal poses are given below:-

1. Kurmasana (Turtle Pose): This pose imitates a turtle pulling its head into a shell. This is a useful posture if you wish to lose weight around your hips and on the belly. It is a fairly difficult pose but known for its popularity among women.
2. Ushtrasana (Camel Pose): This is one of the lesser known yoga animal poses. This pose is a kneeling backbend pose in which the hands reach the feet. This pose stretches the abdomen, quadriceps and the chest. It also makes the spine more flexible.
3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): This pose helps to strengthen your spine, shoulder muscles, and your shoulder bones too. It invigorates the heart and lungs, stimulates the intra abdominal organs and makes the hips firm too. This pose is done with one’s stomach to the ground.
4. Bakasana (Crow Pose): This is a birdlike pose which requires considerable balance. It is also known as the Crane Pose.
5. Makarasana (Crocodile Pose): This is a well know pose for relieving one of stress and tension. You have to like on your stomach, with your head down and one arm folded at the elbow.
6. Rajakapotasana (Pigeon Pose): This yoga pose stretches the groin, thighs, back and opens the arms and the shoulders. It increases flexibility and reduces stiffness as well.
7. Salabhasana ( Locust Pose): This pose stimulates the excretory system, massages the intra abdominal organs and exercises the lower back muscles too.
8. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Standing Dog):  This is one of the popular yoga dog poses. This helps in relaxing the back.
9. Bidalasana( Cat Pose): This is among the yoga cat poses. It is a basic yoga pose.

Other animal poses include Matsyasana(Fish Pose), Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose), Garudasana (Eagle Pose), Simhasana (Lion Pose), Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose), Mayurasana (Peacock Pose), Vrischikasana (Scorpion Pose) and Bhekasana (Frog Pose).

Submitted by A on November 9, 2010 at 06:47

Each animal possesses a characteristic feature that we can learn for our benefit. Practicing the yoga poses with animal names helps us to connect with the potent aspects of the soul which we often ignore in our daily lives. Before you start performing the yoga poses with animal names it will be useful to imagine what it would feel like to be that animal. Try picturing the habitat of the animal, the movement of its body, its eating behavior, and its play.
Some of the yoga poses with animal names are the Cobra pose, Cat pose and Camel pose. The cobra makes its movements with its belly to the ground but it must raise its head up to get a better view. This aspect of the cobra can be compared to our daily pursuit of worldly goals and how we need reach up to seek higher goals. As we raise the upper body while practicing the Cobra pose we must accept what this new vision has to offer. The lower back remains relaxed while the eyes point to heaven. Yoga pose names like Downward facing dog and Cat pose are among the most practiced yoga poses with animal names. The yoga pose downward facing dog gets its name from the position the body has to be in.
The Pigeon pose, Crow pose, and Eagle pose are some of the yoga poses with bird names. The excellent vision of the eagle relates to the third eye chakra. When you practice the Eagle pose, which involves balancing, you can gain concentration by letting the eyes fixate on one point. When practicing the Eagle pose, trying to twist while you are balanced on one leg can be quite a challenge. At first this can be quite difficult but gradually you will become more flexible and stronger.
The yoga poses with wildlife names also include the Tree pose, Fish pose, Peacock pose, and Turtle pose. A tree roots itself deep into the ground and its branches go towards the sky. Because of its many sustaining qualities a tree can be seen as a perfect example of selflessness. Practicing this pose will help in improving concentration and balance. The fish pose helps in relieving the nasal passages from congestion.
By observing our natural surroundings we can see the reflection of ourselves. Observing minute details of our environment can give us tremendous insights into how we are all connected. Therefore, it is only natural that we use these characteristics of nature and involve them into our own lives.

Submitted by A on September 17, 2010 at 01:24

Yoga manuals, such as the Gheranda Samhita, estimate that there are over 840,000 postures. These include countless poses for every living creature in the world. But it is the results that really matter. At the end of a Yoga session you are supposed to feel rejuvenated and refreshed, ready to face the world with much more agility and balance. For instance, in the Peacock pose, you feel a sense of balance, a sense of pride, an affirmation of your ability to progress in the world.

Likewise, while doing the Eagle pose, you experience a sense of oneness and focus, a whetting of your vision and objectives. In the Cobra pose, the practitioner feels both an incredible sense of upliftment and, at the same time, a sense of being weighted and glued to the earth. In the Lion pose the practitioner feels absolutely regal, revitalized and revived.

Submitted by A on April 23, 2007 at 01:02

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