Increase Height with yoga exercise

(February 25, 2009)

I am 18 years old. My height is 5 feet. Please suggest me exercises and tips for increasing height. Please give me a prompt reply.

Growth in terms of height ceases in most individuals, so there is no guarantee that any measure will help. Most disciplines and medications that claim to be able to increase your height are misrepresenting information. We shall prescribe you a Yoga package that includes a set of practices which are bound to help improve your overall health and are also know to help stimulate growth. In the process, it is possible that you will grow taller. This is because there are many instances of young adolescents, teenagers like you, who have grown tall, with strong resolve and a little effort on their part, even after turning 18.

Your Yoga package would include a set of Yogasanas (physical poses), Pranayamas (breathing exercises), Kriyas (cleansing techniques) and a Yoga diet. Your condition may be hereditary, in which case it is almost impossible for any measure to increase your height. For starters, you will have to do lots of limbering up exercises, 10 – 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) and all the Yogasanas (poses) in these positions, with extra emphasis to the italicized ones:

Asanas (poses)

1. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
2. Tadasana (Palm Tree pose)
3. Parvatasana (Mountain pose)

4. Padangusthasana (Toe to hand pose)
5. Padahastasana (Forehead to knee pose)
6. Ardha Chakrasana (Half Moon pose)


1. Paschimottanasana (Forehead to both knees pose)
2. Janu Sirshasana ((Forehead to single knee pose)
3. Ushtrasana (Camel pose)
4.Simhasana (Lion pose)
5.Marichyasana (Pose dedicated to the sage Marichi)
6.Gomukhasana (Cow face pose)
7.Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fish pose)


1.Single Leg and Double Leg Raises
2.Halasana (Plough pose)
3.Chakrasana (Wheel pose)
4.Sethu Bandhasana (Bridge formation pose)
5.Purvottanasana (Inclined Plane)
6.Pawanmuktasana (Wind relieving pose)
7.Navasana (Boat pose)
8.Matsyasana (Fish pose)


1.Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog pose)
2.Shalabhasana (Locust pose)
3.Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
4.Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)


1.Viparita Karani (Legs against the wall pose)
2.Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)


1.Garudasana (Eagle pose)
2.Kakasana (Crow pose)
3.Vrikshasana (Tree pose)

Pranayamas (breathing exercises)

1.Kapalabhatti (Skull Cleansing)
2.Anuloma-Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
3.Brahmari (Bee breath)
4.Bhastrika (Bellows Breath)

Kriyas (Cleansing techniques)

Jala Neti (Cleansing Nasal passages with water)
Sutra Neti (Cleansing Nasal passages with rubber catheter)
Vaman Dhauti (Cleansing stomach by vomit water on empty stomach)

Yogic Diet

Also take up a Yogic diet for quicker results. This includes a Sattvic (light and predominantly vegetarian) diet, one that is easily digestible and rich in seasonal fruits, fruits and salads. You need lots of vegetable proteins that you find in green leafy vegetables, pulses, milk and milk products. Keep away from all fatty, fried and spicy foods; as also fast / junk foods. They only retard growth and healing and make people sick.

Further, we recommend swimming and cycling (high seat, low pedals) as an added measure. These exercises will add to your muscular stretch.

Submitted by A on February 25, 2009 at 02:27

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