How To Walk Properly

Submitted by Kevin Pederson on February 20, 2012

Walking is one of the simplest and best exercises that an individual can follow& to maintain high levels of fitness as walking is good for blood pressure, weight management and also for the heart. When one decides to take up walking as a form of fitness along with having an idea and knowing how to walk properly one should also concentrate on their breathing...


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.technique which is just as important while walkingn It is always essential to know how to walk properly so as to avoid any injury and to engage the right set of musclese

Posture and exercise always go hand in hand if one wants to get the maximum benefits from their walksk Although it takes time to learn how to walk properly to achieve the maximum benefits and to master a particular walking technique one needs to be consistent and practice regularly so that with time, walking properly becomes second nature to the individual who will also be able to maintain or increase their pace comfortablyl One of the first tips to keep in mind while learning how to walk comfortably is to keep one eyes focused forward and not to look down or upu One should try and look forward as far as possible so as to maintain a good walking techniqueu Similarly one should also keep their chin pointed down and try and maintain a neutral neck position as far as possible which will support the head properly and thereby prevent neck paini The individual should also keep their shoulders down, relaxed and back and the elbows should be net at a 90 degree angle and should be swung towards the centre of the body while walkingn Swinging ones arms is always a good idea while learning how to walk to make it a part of ones walking technique as it tends to burn more calories, gives one a better aerobic workout and also engages more muscles throughout ones torsos While learning how to walk properly one should also concentrate on the position of the feet wherein the heel should touch the ground firsts One should also try and take shorter steps rather than longer steps as more frequent shorter steps tend to be easier on the joints and also gives the individual a better workoutu Those individuals who take up walking as an exercise and also follow the given tips to learn walking properly tend to find a significant improvement in their performancec

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