So What Do Massage Balls Do?

A massage ball is essentially used to relieve pain. Pain is an indicator that something is wrong with the body, and we always respond to it by treating the pain with the aim of alleviating it.

So how does one use a massage ball to treat pain?


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Well, first of all, there are many varieties of massage balls that are available in the market, and they come in varied shapes, sizes and colors. Also, one should keep in mind that massage balls are most effective for back aches, body pain, or foot pain. Here’s how you can use one.

General Body Ache: Trap the ball between your body and the wall or floor, whichever is comfortable for you. Apply mild pressure for a certain period of time, 2 to 4 minutes, and roll on to another spot. The effect should not be sore, but relaxing. Do not apply too much pressure so as to strain yourself.

Foot Pain: The same can be done for foot pain; place the ball under the foot and gently rest on the massage ball. You can use a chair or lean against the wall for support. Place your weight on your feet; you should feel comfortable not painful. Then, roll the ball slowly and press as if you were squashing it and then release.

Back Ache: You have someone roll the massage ball over your back or you can use the method for general body ache.

Speak with a practitioner for more information and tips on how to use a massage and which one to buy.

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