Eagle Pose

(July 2, 2010)

How To Perform Eagle Pose?

The Eagle Yoga Pose is a translation of Garudasana. ‘Garud’ is the mythical ‘king of birds’ in Hindu mythology, and is translated to ‘eagle’, while ‘asana’ is translated to ‘Yoga Pose. It is a compact pose and in not to be confused to mean ‘spread eagle pose’.

This is a slightly challenging standing pose, which must not be attempted by a beginner. You may attempt it only after you have gained some proficiency in standing and balancing yoga poses. You must also perform it under the guidance of a trained yoga practitioner, or you may injure yourself.

Step-by-step: Here is the sequence of the Eagle Pose.

First stand straight in Tadasana (Mountain Yoga Pose). Bending your knees slightly, lift up your right foot, and as you are balancing on the other foot (left), cross your right thigh over your left one. Keeping the toes of your right foot pointing downward toward the floor, press this foot back, and hook the top portion over the other foot ( the left foot on which you are standing), behind the lower left calf.

Now, keeping your arms parallel to the floor, stretch them straight forward. Cross your arms in front in such as way that the left arm is above the right. Now slowly bend your elbows till the left elbow fits into the crook of the right elbow. Keep the forearms perpendicular to the floor, while the backs of the hands face each other. Slowly press the hands together, so that the palms are now facing in such a way that the thumb of the left hand passes in front of the little finger of the right. Keeping the palms pressed together, lift up your elbows and stretch your fingers towards the ceiling.

Hold this pose for 10 to 20 seconds. Go back to Tadasana and repeat with the reverse arms and legs.

You may need a lot of practice before you acquire this flexibility. If balancing is difficult for you, you may use a wall to give support.

Benefits: The Eagle Pose helps to stretch and strengthen calves and ankles, as well the upper back, shoulders, hips and thighs. It improves concentration and sense of balance, and has been used effectively by those with asthma, sciatica or backache problems.

Contraindications:  Avoid this pose if you have any knee problems, or if you are pregnant or obese (balancing problems). Those with low blood pressure, headaches or any other medical problems should first consult their medical practitioner before starting this pose.

Submitted by A on July 2, 2010 at 07:34

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