(November 9, 2010)


Yoga refers to an ancient discipline that aims at higher consciousness, tranquility and better health. Strange as this may sound various Yogasanas (Yoga Poses) are being practiced all around the world and not just in its country of origin. Because of the numerous health benefits that this discipline can bring about, Yoga has become very popular in the Unites States of America. One of the most important benefits of Yoga is weight loss, which is why this practice is now being encouraged by several gyms and weight loss programs. Various yoga exercises are aimed at reducing fat from different parts of the body. At times, even doctors may advise a woman to practice a certain yogasana to reduce tummy fat, especially after delivery. Pregnancy yoga has been found to help women not just with pregnancy symptoms and labor, but the use of yogasanas to prevent tummy fat has been found to be particularly helpful in the restoration of one’s figure post delivery.

However, several women, especially those that have just had a baby wonder about the effectiveness of a yogasana to prevent tummy fat and are not sure if these exercises are safe. There are several Yoga asanas and exercises that can help in weight loss; however, not all are suitable for women who have just delivered recently. Therefore, it is important to check with a doctor or a yoga guru, about a yogasana to reduce belly fat, after informing them about your medical history. Then, based on the recommendations of an expert, you could choose to practice a suggested Yogasana to reduce tummy fat.

One of the most common Yoga exercises that could be suggested for tummy fat is:

Pawanmukhtasana (The Wind Relieving Pose)

• Lie down on a flat surface, like the floor, preferably on a yoga mat
• Fold your left leg at the knee and with your left hand, bring the leg closer to your abdomen
• Raising your body up, bend your neck, trying to touch your nose to the left knee
• Stay in this position for at least 20 seconds or so, breathing normally
• Breathe out while returning the left leg to its right position
• Repeat the steps using the right leg and your right hand
• Keep the practice of this exercise up, till 5 sets for each leg, are complete
• Before you finish, try this position by folding both your legs together and bringing them up to your abdomen at the same time.

It is important to check with a Yoga expert or a guru about any potential side effects of the exercise mentioned above. In fact, it is important to consult a physician and get an approval, before practicing any yogasana to reduce weight.

Submitted by A on November 9, 2010 at 05:10

Tummy Tuck Tips 

For a total flat tummy you need to work on reducing the overall fat in your body. When you lose the overall fat you will notice that the fat around your tummy will also decrease. The yoga asana mentioned below will specifically help to lose weight around your tummy and make it look slim –

  • Pawanmuktasan – this asana helps to reduce your belly, for this lie on your back on the floor or a yoga mat. Bend your right knee to fold your right leg. Now with the help of your right hand bring one leg towards your stomach. Bend at your neck and try to touch your nose to your knee. Be in this position for 30 seconds and then repeat with left leg 5 times each. Then perform this pose with both the legs bend at the knees for 5 times. The intensity and duration of the pose can be increased gradually. This pose will also help eliminate excess gas and provide flexibility of hips and knees.
  • Paad-pashchimottanasan – lie flat on your back with legs straight arms overhead and hands together with palms facing up. Slowly sip up, back straight, hands overhead and bend forward to touch the big toe. Your head should be between arms touching the knees. This pose helps to reduce abdominal fat and wind from the intestines. 

Submitted by S M on May 23, 2008 at 08:28

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