Student Yoga

(February 27, 2009)

How yoga helps in students� lives, especially their education and what are the methods

The teachings of yoga are very effective for children. Yoga helps in the physical and mental growth of children. It boosts the growth metabolism of the body. Flexibility is attained and muscles and bones are strengthened. Moreover, it also aids in overcoming mental stresses, exam phobia, and societal pressure. It also increases their memory retention, facilitating the learning process. Yoga Asanas and various breathing techniques help teenagers to overcome peer pressure and increase self-confidence.


Yoga For Children

Asanas: Asana is a Sanskrit word meaning seat. The word seat refers to a connection to the earth. Yoga Asanas are also referred to as yoga poses.

Different Asanas that help children include the Hero Pose (Virasana), Prosperous Pose (Swastikasana), Lion Pose (Simhasana), Inverted Pose (Viparitikari), Shoulderstand Pose (Sarvangasana), Headstand (Shirashasana), Reclining Angle Pose (Suptkonasana), Sweet Breath Pose (Nadishoddhana), Breathing Poses (Pranayama), Steady Gazing (Trataka Karma), Teeth Hissing (Sitkari), and Cool Breath (Seetal Pranayama).

Some good relaxation techniques are Yogic Sleep (Yoga Nidra) and Corpse Pose (Shavasana).  They help the children to get mentally strong and shed away worries and fears. They also help in increasing the child’s agility.

Energy is replenished by Sun Worship Pose (Surya Namaskara), and the children feel very jubilant and active. Moreover, it also facilitates in emotional and physical growth.  

Delinquent behavioral trends are well-regulated by the Ear Pressure Pose (Karnapidasana), Plow Pose (Halasana), Inverted Staff Pose (Viparitadandasana), and other inverted poses.

To overcome a sense of dejection, children should practice Sage Twist (Marichiasana), Seated Side Twist (Bharadvajasana), Noose Posture (Pashasana), and other internal breathing poses (Pranayamas). Furthermore, Rangachikitsa, commonly known as color therapy, helps the adolescents in maintaining a balance between the mind, soul and body.

Confidence is enhanced by Swinging Pose (Lolasana), Arm Pressure Pose (Bhujapidsana), Eight Bend Pose (Ashthavakrasana), Nataraja’s Pose (Natrajasana), Tree Pose (Vrikshasana), Eagle Pose (Garudasana), Crane Pose (Bakasana), and Banyan Tree Pose (Vatayanasana).

Children are prone to getting lazy, especially in their adolescence. To inculcate activeness and eradicate lethargy in the child, Head to Knee Pose (Janushirasana), Seated Forward Bend Pose (Paschimatanasana) and Lotus Pose (Padmasana) are very effective.

In a nutshell, yoga enhances the following dimensions of a child’s body:

  • Stamina – strengthens the lungs, and helps in blood circulation
  • Flexibility – makes the joints and muscles more flexible
  • Strength – makes the muscles and bones strong
  • Erect posture – gives your children the correct body alignment
  • Relaxation of body and mind – helps to attain mental peace and a relaxed body after a strenuous day
  • Stress management – facilitates normal, pacified thinking even during stressful events
  • Concentration – enhances the ability to remain focused
  • Good body image – makes the children carry themselves confidently
  • Acceptance – inculcates the habit of developing peace with the environment
  • Overcoming fear – helps to overcome various fears
  • Curiosity – arouses curiosity which results in effective learning.

It is important to understand the vitality of yoga in healthy growth of the child. Yoga should be introduced in schools so that students can utilize their energies in the right direction.

Submitted by V A on February 27, 2009 at 03:11

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