Sample Yoga Routines For Beginners

Even though the ancient practice of Yoga is well known for the several benefits it has to offer, there are many people who avoid it. There is a common misconception that most Yoga positions mainly consist of headstands, shoulder stands and spinal twists.

However, there are several Yoga positions that are relatively easy and can be practiced by all people, regardless of their age or their level of fitness. Even stress management centers, weight loss programs,.



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rehab centers and prenatal classes offer courses in certain yoga positions. In fact most Yoga studios offer special courses on Yoga positions for beginners, which have been kept quite simple, in order to keep people motivated. In the beginning, even Yoga teachers recommend starting off with an easy yoga routine and gradually, moving on to the more advanced Yoga positions, once there is an increase in awareness, strength, balance, stamina and flexibility. Given below are some of the common yoga poses for beginners:

  • Sukha asana (The Easy Pose)
  • Bala asana (The Child's Pose)
  • Virabhadra asana (The Warrior Pose)
  • Adho Mukha Svana asana (The Downward Dog Facing Pose)
  • Marjaria asana (The Cat and Cow Pose)
  • Sava asana (The Corpse Pose)
  • Tada asana (The Mountain Pose)
  • Uttana asana (The Standing Forward Bending Pose)
  • Bidala asana (The Cat Pose)
  • Trikona asana (The Triangle Pose)
  • Bheka asana (The Frog Pose)
  • Purna Titli asana (The Butterfly Pose)
  • Akarna Dhanur asana (The Archer's Pose)
  • Bhujang asana (The Cobra Pose)
  • Setu Bandh asana (The Bridge Pose)

Due to financial or time constraints, not all people learn Yoga from professional studios. There are many people who practice yoga routines at home, after learning some of the basic or beginner Yoga positions form online resources, CDs or DVDS. However, even though the beginner Yoga positions may appear to be simple, they should still be practiced only under the supervision of a Yoga guru. If these Yoga positions are performed in the wrong manner, they could lead to serious injuries or health problems. Therefore, it is best to join a basic yoga class, for a short while or at least till a certain level of mastery is attained.

Yoga has been recommended for people of all ages; however, people who are suffering from preexisting medical conditions need to avoid practicing certain yoga positions. Therefore it is strongly recommended to undergo a physical check up to assess the fitness level of the body. It is also important to get a go ahead from a doctor, before practicing even the most basic yoga positions.

Ever doubt the value of each type of the Yoga basic positions? Actually, quite a lot of folks do. So, some took the time to do some research to uncover the truth behind it all. All basic Yoga routines help cultivate strength and flexibility. However the type of Yoga routines that you do also provides some very specific benefits.

Standing asanas

These are incorporated in many asanas. They help to bring your feet and body in line. These sorts of Yoga asanas are particularly helpful in enhancing posture.

Standing poses strengthen the legs.

Seated asanas

These asanas increase suppleness in the hips and lower back. They even strengthen the whole back. They increase the flexibility of the spine and elasticity of the hips, knees, ankle and groin.

Forward Bends

These sorts of Yoga positions stretch the lower back and hamstrings. They even help you let go of tension in the back, neck, shoulders. They also increase flexibility of the spine.

Backward Bends

These asanas throw open the chest, rib cage, and hips. They strengthen the arms and shoulders. Simultaneously, they also add to flexibility in the shoulders, while helping ease the tension from the front of the body and hips.

Balancing asanas

Even though they are rather challenging, they are, in fact, among the most fun asanas. They cultivate muscle tone and physical harmonization as well as strength and agility. They perk up posture since you really must stretch the spine to keep from falling over.


Twisting poses get rid of tension in the spine and boost shoulder and hip mobility. They also help ease backaches by elongating and opening up the back muscles.

Supine and Prone asanas

Supine poses help stretch the abdominal muscles, open up the hips, and add to spinal mobility. Prone poses help strengthen the arms and back. They also open up the hips and groin.

Try this for a start with lots of relaxation (Shavasana) Corpse pose, then go on to the inversions.

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