Height gain with Yoga

(September 12, 2010)

Yoga for increasing my Hight In The Short Time Please

Several people practice yoga exercises for height increase. Yoga positions for height growth help as they rectify incorrect posture and also help with strengthening the spine. Yoga exercises help to strengthen the body through controlling breathing techniques as well as stretching. Yoga exercises for height growth also help to alleviate decompression of the spine which makes a person look shorter. Yoga helps to alleviate the decompression and the result is a taller person. Yoga stretches your body, especially your back through a full range of motion. It gives your spine the balance and strength it needs to grow. Yoga therapy for height growth includes the following postures:-

Dog and Cat Pose: Get down on your hands and knees like a child does. Put your legs apart and keep your hands in front of your shoulders. Start to inhale. Tilt your pelvis up and curve your spine. Your stomach should drop towards the ground and your head should be up. Hold this dog position for a few minutes. Stretch your body completely and move into the cat position by reversing the curve of your spine. Draw your stomach and chest in. Hold this position for a few seconds. Reverse and do repeatedly.

Sukhasana ( Easy Pose): Sit cross legged with your hands resting on your knees. The palms should be facing up. Press your hip bones down to the floor and keep your spine perfectly aligned. Drop your shoulders and back down, and press your chest towards the front of the room. Relax your jaw, face and belly. Your tongue should rest on the roof of your mouth (palate) just behind your front teeth. Breathe deeply through your nose down into your belly. Hold this position for as long as you are comfortable.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): This is also included in yoga lessons for height. Stand with your feet apart. Your feet should be parallel to each other. Rotate your right foot 45° inward and your left foot 90° to the left. Then inhale and raise your arms to the side. Exhale and turn your head towards your left arm. Your knee should be in line with your ankle. Breathe deeply as you stretch towards your left ankle, holding your left hip down. Your right arm should point towards the ceiling and the left should rest against the inside of your calf. Take several deep breaths while turning your head towards your right arm. Inhale and straighten your body and exhale as your lower your arms. Repeat on the right side as well.

These are some of the yoga exercises for your question on how to increase height.

Submitted by A on September 12, 2010 at 11:32

Yoga cannot help you grow. Most people have reached their ultimate height by age 18 or 19. If you are younger than that, you may grow on your own over the next few years. Try looking at relatives of yours to see what your final height may be. However,if you are older than 20, chances are you will not gain any more height. Yoga may reduce stress in your body and if you focus on your spine, you may gain an additional centimeter or two through asanas that release tension in your back. If this interests you, try doing asanas that focus on your spine, such as spinal twists,bridge poses and the thread the needle pose. If you are unfamiliar with the bridge pose, make sure you learn from a professional first. If you find your back tight or too tense, while entering a bridge pose, do not push yourself, as you will just end up hurting yourself. Hold the bridge pose for about 30 seconds if you are able and repeat up to four times in a yoga session.  

Also, while doing other standing poses, such as tree pose and prayer pose,try to imagine that you have a string attached to the top of your head and you are being pulled up to the ceiling. This will make you focus on standing taller and help release any stress in your back.

Submitted by R W on November 2, 2007 at 05:01

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