
  • A rather difficult pose to master.Should be practiced by advanced practitioners who have gained control over balancing their bodies.
  • Very beneficial in strengthening arms, shoulders, and joints and it helps develop a better sense of concentration,co-ordination, and balance
  • It is a pose that straightens and stretches the muscles of the back, legs, buttocks, and the back of the arms and legs.
    Crocodile Pose
  • One of the advanced arm balance poses in yoga.It's an excellent way to develop stability and equilibrium, while strengthening the arms.
  • An arm balancing posture that incorporates the legs flexibility with core strength.
  • Its an intermediate posture that targets the abdomen, arms and chest.This pose is also good as it strengthens the wrists.
  • In this yoga asana, solely the hands support the entire weight of the body.Both adults as well as kids can perform this posture.
  • A little tricky pose for a beginner. This pose focuses on developing and strengthening the thighs, wrists, forearms, buttocks and abdomen.
  • Your spine, knees, and abdomen, along with your shoulder muscles are greatly benefitted by performing this yoga pose.
  • This posture is designed to improve flexibility, power, and speed.It is also effective in making the spine more elastic and flexible.
  • It requires a lot of balance and practice.The Crane Pose is said to be beneficial for strengthening wrists, arms, and spine.
  • This pose leaves your mind calm and devoid of stress as well as builds up strength in your arm and shoulders.
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