Yoga For Weak Musculoskeletal System

By Patricia | November 13, 2008
Yoga For The Musculoskeletal System

Yoga for the musculoskeletal system is extremely important for overall good health. A weak musculoskeletal system results in extreme pain and discomfort. Our bodies are composed of our Skeletal System and Skeletal Muscles that are worked and overworked and, very often, used in wrong ways. Since this is the system that is fundamentally concerned with our mobility and the protection of internal organs, we ought to be even more careful.

The Muscles

Stiff knees, tight joints and taut muscles, more often than not, tend to be awfully painful. Then again, thank god for yoga. Yoga helps release muscle tension that subsequently translates into ease of movement in all physical activities, be they sedentary or dynamic.

The Skeletal System

For every movement – even standing, for that matter – your body depends upon the complex framework of around 206 bones. The numerous Yoga poses help free all your joints and throws them open, thus helping to ease the pressure on cartilages. Yoga helps realign the a number of physical disorders such as arthritis, cervical spondylitis, hiatus hernia, rheumatism, slipped disc, umbilical hernia and a host of others. The different Yogasanas and exercises help deal with the problem every effectively. These asanas place or alter the amount of stress and strain borne by the different parts of the bones, ligaments, muscles and nerves.

The Knees

The knees are the center of your legs and are used for to support as well as motion. It follows, therefore, that our knees are extremely vital organs of our body.

The Neck and Upper Back

The health of our upper backs highly affects the health of our necks. A strong, supple upper back is imperative in keeping the neck safe free of strain that could result in so much distress.

The Back

Our backs are supported and held in place by our Spinal Column. It is, in fact, one of the fundamental and most crucial parts of our body. Spinal injuries can be terribly painful and serious cases could even result in paralysis. Fortunately, all these misfortunes can be prevented with the help of Yogasanas and exercises that primarily correct your posture.

Yoga practice thus helps improve the strength and flexibility of your Musculoskeletal System. This, together with a yoga diet – which includes lots of calcium as well as plenty of other nutrients, so essential to healthy bones and muscles – keeps you fit right into old age. Most Yogasanas are designed to loosen up, warm up and stretch and expand your muscles, joints and bones with a view to make them more flexible and strong.

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