Home Remedies For Sore Throat And Swollen Glands

By Patricia | June 9, 2009

A sore throat, swollen glands, swollen lymph nodes and ear aches are all symptoms of many different conditions. These range from the common cold that causes a sore throat and swollen glands to wax build-up in the ears that causes earache. In some instances the symptoms may also signify a more serious condition such as tonsillitis or a ruptured eardrum or even cancers such as throat cancer and lymphomas.


There are many conditions that can cause a sore throat along with swollen glands. These include:

  • Common cold - This viral infection is the most common cause of sore throats and swollen lymph nodes.
  • Tonsillitis - This is an inflammation of the tonsils which can also cause swelling in the lymph nodes at the rear of the throat. The inflammation may be caused by any viral or bacterial infection with children being the most prone to this condition. While antibiotics are usually sufficient to treat bacterial infections, viral infections usually clear up on their own accord. Recurring cases may require having their tonsils surgically removed in a procedure known as a tonsillectomy.
  • Strep throat - This is caused by a bacterial infection and occurs most often in children between the ages of 5 to 15. It is a contagious disease and is transmitted by saliva or nasal secretions. Left untreated it may cause serious health issues such as meningitis, middle ear infections and rheumatic fever and may also damage the kidneys.
  • Laryngitis - Is caused by the inflammation of the larynx and is usually a short-lived condition. Shouting, singing, smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, allergies, fungus or bacteria may all cause laryngitis.
  • Ear canal infections – The ear canal is a place where bacteria can thrive. Water in the ear canal can provide fertile breeding ground for bacteria and people who spend a lot of time swimming are more prone to developing this condition. Infections may be either acute or chronic with the former usually lasting for up to 4 weeks and the latter occurring on a regular basis. Severe infection known as malignant otitis externa can affect people with compromised immune systems and diabetes and may spread to other areas. Malignant otitis externa can be fatal if left untreated.
  • Middle ear infections - This is a bacterial infection that usually affects children and can be triggered by colds, allergies and sinus infections.
  • Pollution, cigarette smoke, allergy, overuse of vocal cords, and changes in temperature are some of the things that may cause sore glands in the throat.


Symptoms vary depending on the underlying condition.

  • Symptoms of tonsillitis include a sore throat, pain while swallowing, swollen tonsils, whitish spots on the tonsil, swollen or tender lymph nodes in the neck and under the jaw and in some cases fever, headache, earache and stomach ache
  • Symptoms of strep throat include white spots on the throat, difficulty in swallowing, swollen lymph glands, mild to severe pain in the throat, high fever and a rash on the neck that slowly spreads, to other areas of the body.
  • Symptoms of laryngitis include a sore throat, hoarseness and loss of voice. If symptoms persist for more than two weeks, consult your doctor.
  • Symptoms of ear canal infections include ear ache, partial or total loss of hearing, pain and tenderness around the ear, an itching or a burning sensation and pus formation.
  • Symptoms of a middle ear infection includes ear ache, dizzy spells, loss of balance, partial or total hearing loss, inability to maintain balance and fever.

Home Remedies:

There are many home remedies that you can try to treat sore throat, swollen glands, swollen lymph nodes and ear ache. Before trying any home remedies however, it is important to consult a doctor as some of the underlying causes may be serious and require treatment. Once your doctor begins your treatment, you may try some of these home remedies that may provide you with symptomatic relief.

For a sore throat and swollen glands you can try gargling with warm salt water made by dissolving ½ tablespoon of salt in 8oz of warm water. Do not swallow the salt water. This allows the vocal cords and the tissues in the larynx and the pharynx to remain healthy. Another popular home remedy to soothe the throat consists of drinking a mixture of honey and warm water. Herbalists also recommend drinking a mixture of warm milk, honey and turmeric powder to treat sore throats and cases of laryngitis. Throat lozenges will also help to soothe the throat. If the pain is too much, try using an over-the counter pain killer such as ibuprofen. Keep your body well hydrated and drink lots of fluids. Avoid smoking as it will further irritate your throat. You can use throat sprays and herbal teas for temporary relief.

For an earache, try applying a cold compress to the outer ear for about 20 minutes. Chewing gum may also help relieve some of the pain. Try resting in an upright position in case you feel too uncomfortable lying down. You can also try using over-the-counter ear drops or pain killers.

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