Articles :: Yoga and disease

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Beware the Locust Pose
  • Yoga for Dementia Yoga is a combination of physical and spiritual well being. The benefits of this practice are more holistic in nature. Though yoga has shown no...
  • Yoga and Dermatomyositis Dermatomyositis can be described as a rare inflammatory disease, characterized by muscle weakness and a skin rash that is quite distinctive. This...
  • Yoga Poses for Diarrhea The aim of yoga during a bout of diarrhoea is to strengthen the intestinal muscles which usually weaken after the attack of Diarrhoea....
  • Yoga for Down Syndrome The ancient practice of Yoga has become popular with people all over the world, because of its numerous health benefits. Today, people...
  • Exercises for Tremors Tremors can be described as the involuntary, rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the muscles, mostly involving to-and-fro movements in the body....
  • Yoga for Hyperopia Hyperopia is farsightedness and tends to be an inherited condition. People who suffer from hyperopia cannot focus on objects close by. The...
  • Yoga to Cure Kyphosis The term kyphosis can be described as an excessive curve in the mid-back area. Many of us have some amount of rounding in the back. However,...
  • Yoga for Muscle Cramps A muscle cramp or spasm can be described as an unexpected and uncontrolled contraction in one or more muscles. Though most cramps are quite...
  • Beware the Locust Pose Salabhasana or the Locust Pose is a type of backbend that is usually performed as part of a sequence of asanas that work the muscles of the...
  • Yoga to Balance the Doshas Typically, it is believed that there are five key elements that make up the universe and these are the earth, air, space, water and fire. In...
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