Accomplished Pose - Siddhasana

The Accomplished Pose, also known as Sidddhasana, is a seated yoga pose and is considered one of the most satisfying in the seated postures. The Siddhasana pose is considered a purification pose, helping you cleanse about 72,000 of the body’s energy paths or Nadis.

The pose is helpful in attaining spiritual uplifting.


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The word ‘siddha’ literally means the hidden esoteric powers. ‘Asana’ literally means posture, so when combined together; they mean posture for uncovering hidden powers. The siddhasana posture is the first step towards the yogic practice of ‘samadhi’. According to the University of Hawaii, samadhi is the fourth kind of consciousness. This state of conscious comes beyond the other resting states of waking, dreaming and experiencing a dreamless sleep. This is a rare and hard state to achieve, but with the help of siddhasana, Samadhi often comes naturally as a next step. Yogis believe that one who masters the Siddhasana pose, can easily conquer the self. The pose teaches disciplining of the senses and improves concentration. The Accomplished Pose for men and women is the same, and both can reap the benefits of this pose if they continue to perform it regularly.

Steps :

  1. Sit straight on the floor, with both your legs outstretched right in front of you. Keep your feet parallel to the ground, with the balls of your heels firmly planted on the ground.
  2. Let the left leg bend at the knee, bringing the left heel to your perineum. Once your heel begins to touch the perineum, fold your right leg from the knee and let the right heel rest against the area of the pubic bone. Allow the right foot to stay in a downward angle. For beginner’s this may be difficult and in such a case you can wedge a folded piece of cloth and insert it at the point where both the ankles meet the ground.
  3. Place one ankle on top of the other so that there is no pressure on the genitals. The gentle downwards angle of the right foot should be able to help you with that. Allow both your knees to touch the floor along with your left heel.
  4. Lengthen your spine and sit straight. Beginners can fold a blanket and place it under their buttocks to help them stretch the spine and straighten it.
  5. Stretch your arms forward and place both your hands on each of the knees. Let the tip of your thumb meet the index finger on each of the hands with the rest of the fingers straight.
  6. Close your eyes and meditate. Try to clear your head and fix your attention on one point in space. Keep breathing normally and stay in the pose for a few seconds, or possibly minutes – if you are an advanced practitioner.
  7. Repeat the pose again after reversing the order in which you folded your legs.

    Continue breathing normally and remain in the pose for around the same time you did the previous cycle.

Precautions :

  • It is best to avoid performing it when you have certain physical ailments and problems. For instance, the pose is not recommended for those who have recently had any surgeries, especially on their back or hip.
  • It is also not recommended for those who suffer from pain in the lower back and sciatica.
  • People with knee pain, arthritis or recent knee injuries should also not perform this pose.

Beginners Tip :

While there is no specific beginner’s tip For Accomplished Pose, some beginner’s may find it useful to wedge a folded piece of cloth under their locked ankles, to make them slope slightly downwards. This helps improve the pose. Additionally, a beginner can also place a folded blanket under the buttocks to improve the posture and keep the spine straight while performing it.

Benefits To Body Parts :

  • The Accomplished Pose can have a lot of benefits, but the best benefit to body parts is the impetus to a healthy circulation system.
  • As the heel of the lower foot presses on the perineum, it stimulates the Mooldhara Chakra that is located in the pelvic region.
  • The heel of the upper foot presses on the Swadisthana Chakra, located slightly north of the Mooldhara Chakra.
  • The combination of this stimulation of chakras can redirect the nervous impulses of sexuality, and therefore control the reproductive hormones in the body.
  • The Siddhasana pose reduces the strain on the knees, ankles and hips by strengthening them and making more nourishment available to them.

Therapeutic Applications :

  • The placement of the heels and their stimulation of the blood flow to the genitals can help improve continence. This can also help improve sexual disorders, cardiac function and blood pressure. Additionally, the pose is beneficial for those who suffer from health conditions like piles and hemorrhoids.
  • In men, Siddhasana can help regulate the flow of the hormone testes. This can therefore control masculine emotions as well as sexual metabolism. The pose also prevents problems such as nocturnal emissions
  • The posture is useful in redirecting the blood circulation to the abdomen and lower spine. This makes a lot of blood available to the pelvis, abdominal region and reproductive system.
  • The pose also helps reduce weight and help with conditions such as asthma and insomnia.

Variations :

There are two main variations for siddhasana. Both these variations are ideal for males. In the first variation, the practitioner is advised to place the two feet in a manner that the penis is clamped between them. In the second variation, both the heels should be placed above the penis to redirect the blood forcefully to the genitals.

Preparatory Poses :

Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
Yoga PosesFind Pose
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