Hardening of The Arteries: Symptoms – Blocked Artery Diet

By Patricia | October 9, 2009

While almost every one is aware that a blocked artery is a significantly serious concern, not many are aware of what actually happens when the arteries are blocked, or how they became that way. The arteries are blocked due to an excessive intake of fats that hardening and thicken the artery walls. This results in the deposition of cholesterol and triglycerides on the inner walls that gradually build up, thereby first reducing the flow of blood through this artery until a blockage forms and completely prevents any blood flowing through the artery. The lack of oxygen being supplied to the heart will cause considerable damage to the heart muscle, causing the affected individual to suffer a heart attack or stroke. Detection of a blocked artery is close to impossible on one’s own and would require the help of a medical check up. However, most commonly, it is the symptoms that the condition exudes, that prompts the patient to go for a medical check up that will later confirm the condition. Some of the most significant symptoms experienced when a person has blocked arteries include extreme tiredness, an acute discomfort in the center or to the left of the chest, frequent bouts of indigestion and heartburn, a tightening of the jaws, general irritability, a significant inability to perform sexually or even a complete lack of enthusiasm for actions that would have previously evoked a great deal of interest. Most of the people that suffer from the condition can attribute its onset to a rather destructive diet pattern. An excessive consumption of white sugar or foods that are rich in high fats or cholesterol are the main contributors, while the condition could also be brought on by other diseases such as rheumatism, syphilis, high blood pressure or even malaria.


The most beneficial way of treating the condition is to try and ‘unblock’ the blockage naturally. This would mean carefully and strictly following a diet that would be beneficial for your overall health. Juices such as those extracted from lemon, grapefruit and pineapples are extremely beneficial for unblocking arteries as are juices extracted from fresh vegetables. An increased intake of foods like grains, nuts, vegetables, and fresh fruits is also extremely beneficial. You must make sure that you replace your cooking oil with just a few drops of sunflower oil, olive oil or flaxseed oil for better effect. You could also try observing a liquid diet for a few days and continue fasting on regular intervals over a period of time.

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