How To Deal with Pneumonia After Surgery

By Patricia | August 5, 2009

An operation or a surgery can trigger of several reactions in the human body, some of which can be negative. Studies indicate that it is fairly common for any person to develop many different types of health conditions or infections, soon after going through a surgical procedure, in which anesthesia is administered. Therefore, at times, it is possible for a person to suffer from different types of respiratory conditions, such as pneumonia after surgery. When this happens, it is known as post op pneumonia or post surgical pneumonia. Fortunately, not all patients who have been through a surgery are likely to suffer from post surgery pneumonia. In fact, only one person, in around a thousand, is likely to suffer from a case of pneumonia following surgery. This is probably because the occurrence of pneumonia post a surgery is directly dependant on the amount, as well as the type of anesthesia that has been given to the patient. In reality, general anesthesia is not the cause of infections or any type of pneumonia after a surgery; it is the local anesthesia, which is administered to a specific area, which is the main cause of the problem. However, even though the occurrence of pneumonia after surgery is not very common, it is still an ailment that has been caused by a chemical, which is why it should never be left unchecked or untreated. As soon as the symptoms of pneumonia after surgery become evident, it is important to consult a doctor. Hence, it is important for people to know what the pneumonia symptoms after a surgery are.


Pneumonia is not the only condition that could occur after a person undergoes a surgery; most people are known to suffer from conditions like colds and coughs, as a result of the anesthesia. This could cause a person to suffer from various post op infection symptoms, based on the type and severity of the infection that occurs. In fact, since pneumonia can be of different types, people could suffer from aspiration pneumonia, or many other forms of pneumonia. Health experts state that an instance of post operative pneumonia is generally not as severe as regular pneumonia. Some of the most common symptoms of pneumonia after a surgery are:

  • Cough and cold
  • Mild fever
  • Shivering and feeling cold in general
  • An elevation in the pulse rate
  • Tiredness

In case the symptoms that become evident are a lot more severe, such as intense chest pain or coughing up chest sputum, then it may be best to seek emergency medical care.

Preventing Pneumonia after Surgery

There are several people who know that they are at a high risk for getting pneumonia, because they are about to undergo an operation soon. Therefore, in such instances people usually look for ways of preventing pneumonia after surgery, to help ease their recovery process. Such people are usually advised to practice deep coughing exercises, also known as the cough and breathe technique. Strange as this may sound, coughing can help expand the lungs, which in turn, prevents pneumonia or any other breathing difficulties that a person could go through after an operation. This is probably why when a person undergoes any type of surgery, it is common for them to go though breathing treatment, which makes breathing easier for the patient, by opening up the lungs.

Is pneumonia contagious after surgery?

One of the most common questions asked by people who suffer from post ops pneumonia, is whether or not this condition is contagious, if it is caused by a chemical, such as anesthesia. However, people who have a healthy immune system are not likely to catch pneumonia, even after excessive exposure to the virus. On the other hand, in case a person has a weaker immune system, it is likely for him or her to catch post surgical pneumonia from anyone. Therefore, most people do not worry too much about being in contact with patients who have been affected with pneumonia after surgery. However, this does not necessarily apply to babies, children, the elderly people or anyone who has a weakened immune system should be kept away from pneumonia patients.

Dealing with pneumonia after a surgery

There have been many instances of people suffering form pneumonia after gallbladder surgery, heart surgery, hip surgery, shoulder surgery, cardiac surgery, colon surgery, or any other type of operation. If a patient develops pneumonia, while he or she is still in the hospital, then it becomes easy for the medical health care experts to monitor the condition and administer the required treatment. When this happens, patients are usually advised to stay in the hospital, till the condition is cured completely. The treatment of the condition will vary, based on its type and severity. Doctors may recommend certain over the counter or prescription medicines, antibiotics or antiviral medication for treating pneumonia. A doctor will also usually need to conduct a few tests, like an x ray, as a part of the follow up treatment process.

There are several patients who also prefer to use home remedies to alleviate the symptoms of the condition. In addition to medication and home remedies, people should also make sure that they get adequate amounts of sleep and rest on a daily basis, to allow the body to recuperate and recover faster. This could mean taking time off from work to stay home, till the temperature goes back to normal. Although there is no specific diet as such for people who are suffering from pneumonia, it is best to stay on light food and fluids till the condition lasts. Hence, people should drink a lot of water and other liquids, like clear soup, barley water and fruit juice throughout the day. Light exercises that do not put too much pressure on the body can be practiced, to keep the immune system strong and healthy. Of course, unhealthy practices like smoking and drinking alcohol should be completely avoided, till the recovery process is complete.

Is it common for people going through surgery to get severe anesthetic pneumonia and other complications and infections ?

It is not uncommon for patients to develop all sorts of infections and conditions after being administered anesthesia. However, developing pneumonia during surgery is not a very common happening. In fact, only one in a thousand patients develop such a condition. Post operative pneumonia usually happens due to the amount of anesthesia administered to the patient.

Post surgery infections have never taken on numbers that may classify them as severe or dangerous. However, an ailment that is caused by a chemical cannot and should not be ignored. Post operative pneumonia remains an ugly reality, despite the advancement in surgical methodologies and technology. Fortunately though, it is not general anesthesia that causes such infections. It is the specifically administered local anesthesia that lies at the root of the problem.

Post Surgical Infection And Pneumonia Complications

It is important to note that pneumonia is not the only post operative infection. In fact common ailments like cough and cold could also be caused by the anesthesia. There are various lung infections that can also occur. Sometimes, in extreme cases, an infection in the respiratory tract can also occur. This however doesn’t always happen. A post operative infection happens primarily due to poor handling of the chemicals.

Usually, the pneumonia developed after a surgery is not very severe. There is a mild congestion of the chest accompanied with cold and cough. There might even be some fever which may go up to 104 °F. You may feel cold and the pulse rate might increase dramatically. However, if you have severe pain in the chest or are coughing brown colored sputum, it is best to get it checked. If you are already under medical supervision, it is best to remain there. Stay in the hospital until you are completely cured. If you do not get this immediately checked, many complications can arise and the case might become chronic. Usually when a person comes out of a surgery, the immunity is pretty low anyway. An infection in such a case can spread very quickly and take on a very serious tone.

It is not easy to remain in post operative care. There are both personal and financial implications of remaining in a hospital. However, nothing is more important than good health and therefore it is better to be vigilant and prevent things from going worse while there is still time.

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