How To Get Rid Of Clogged Ears & Throat Soreness

By Patricia | September 2, 2009

A sore throat or blocked ear is something which almost everyone has experienced at some time in life. A sore throat is an inflammation of the throat and most often it is painful. It is caused by viral or bacterial infections, fungal infection, or irritants like pollutants or chemical matter. The throat is the most common site for the infection to thrive when you are exposed to viruses or bacteria. You can get a sore throat when you come in contact with too much dust or any other similar irritant. If the sore throat is accompanied with a bad cold then your ears could get blocked. Antibiotics will help if it’s a bacterial infection but they do not help in case of viral infections.

In most cases, this problem occurs as a reaction to a deeper underlying problem.Therefore, it could also be said that a sore throat is actually a symptom of underlying conditions, such as a bad cough, an upper respiratory infection, fever and pharyngitis too. Although a sore throat on its own is rarely serious, it could lead to a lot of discomfort, one of the main ones being difficulty in swallowing. This is probably what causes people to consult a doctor for help on how to get rid of a sore throat. It is also quite common for people to suffer from a sore throat and ear problems at the same time. Correlation Between Sore Throat And Blocked Ear Studies indicate that there is a direct relationship between sore throat and the ears, since the Eustachian tube, in the ear is connected directly to the ear. This tube performs the important function of keeping the fluid out of the middle ear. Some times, a sore throat could cause this tube to swell up, which in turn leads to additional pressure, blockage and perhaps even pain in the ear. Therefore, it is very common for people to suffer from both a sore throat and ear ache at the same time. In fact the ears, nose as well as the throat are all closely connected and in case of any inflammation, infection on allergies affect one area, it is quite likely for all the parts to get affected too. For example, the sinuses cavities or pockets, which are located near the nose, are also connected to the ear and throat. Therefore, in case of a sinus infection, people all suffer from sore throat and blocked ears or clogged ears. This is because the connection between all the three body parts allows the exchange of fluid between the three parts. This could also be the reason that a blocked nose could subsequently lead to a sore throat and ear problems. Causes Of Sore Throat And Ear Problems A sore throat is quite a contagious problem, which could be passed on from one person to the other, especially if the cause of the sore throat is an infection. These infections could be caused either by a virus or bacteria. Some of the most common causes of sore throat and ear pressure are:

  • Allergies: During an allergy attack, almost all people experience an itchy and stuffy nose. Factors like dust, dander, mold and pollen that irritate the nose can have the same affect on the throat, thereby leading to a sore throat and ear ache.
  • Bacteria: This is one of the most common factors that cause sore throat and ears bacteria. It is the strain of streptococcus bacteria that lead to sore throats, along with several other conditions, such as pneumonia, scarlet fever, sinusitis, tonsillitis and ear infections.
  • Irritants: Dry and arid climates could lead to itchiness in the throat. Excessive exposure to chemicals and industrial pollutants can also cause the throat to feel parched, due to dryness.
  • Tumors: Though rare, it is also possible for a Tumor to cause a sore throat and other problems too. These tumors usually occur due to alcohol consumption, as well as smoking or using tobacco.
  • Virus: It is very common for a virus to cause the flu or a common cold, in which symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, muscle ache, body pain and sneezing. This also could lead to an ear infection.

Although a sore throat and ears trouble is not very severe, it could lead to a lot of discomfort. Moreover, a stuffy ear could also affect the ability to hear properly. This could also cause a person to call or visit a doctor, asking “my ear is clogged what should I do?” or “how to unblock my ear”. Apart from options on how to get rid of blocked ears, people also check for ways on how to get rid of a stuffy nose, flu, cold, cough, allergies or hoarse voice caused by a sore throat. While it is possible to use medication to treat several such conditions, most people prefer using natural or home remedies. How To Get Rid Of Stuffy Ears Naturally? Place a heating pad just below the affected ear, making sure that the heat is not too high. The pad should only be placed on the area for at least 30 minutes. The heat from the pad penetrates the inner side of the ear canal, loosening the congestion that has led to a blocked ear. Gargling with warm water, to which half a teaspoon of salt has been added, may also be effective.

There are several other ways of clearing a clogged ear, but they may not be appropriate for an ear that has been clogged due to an infection. Hence, it may be best to consult a doctor for medical treatment options.

Home Remedies For Sore Throat

Are there any home remedies? There are many home remedies which can help. Let’s take a look at some of them.

  • Marshmallow root can be used as a gargle to treat a sore throat. The root powdered and mixed with honey is a tonic that is very useful to decrease irritation.
  • Chamomile is an effective home remedy to cure the common cold as it helps to decrease inflammation.
  • You can also gargle with warm salt water to soothe the throat and cayenne pepper can be added to it to hasten the recovery process.
  • Prepare a mixture of warm water, lemon juice and some honey and drink it at least once a day.
  • You can prepare a tea with apple cider vinegar, lemon, cayenne, and honey. Drink this tea between three to four times a day.
  • You can also use a throat spray made from sage to reduce a sore throat.
  • Steam inhalation with few drops of eucalyptus oil helps to clear the nose and throat and relieves the cold.
  • You can prepare ginger tea from one teaspoon of freshly crushed ginger that is boiled in water. Strain and add honey and lemon to taste.
  • Sip hot water from time to time to soothe your throat.
  • Garlic is useful to cure a sore throat and ear block. You should eat two cloves of garlic every day or use it in your meals or soups. For blocked ears, heat one or two garlic cloves in sesame oil and drip a few drops in each ear and allow it to settle for some time. Then hold a soft cloth over the ear and position your ear such that the oil can trickle out. This will clear the ears instantly.
  • The simplest way to unclog blocked ears is to yawn, swallow hard or chew gum. These movements help to balance the pressure between the inner ear and the outer ear and causes the ear to be immediately unclogged with a faint popping sound.
  • Take a spoonful of vinegar to disinfect the throat and clear it. Vinegar should be taken once a day, for a period of three days.
  • Gargling with some alcohol, like whiskey helps kill the germs that are causing the infection, thereby allowing the throat to heal faster.
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