Causes & Natural Cures For Treating Hives

By Patricia | December 1, 2009

Causes And Symptoms

Also known as urticaria, hives is a very common skin condition that is characterized by the presence of noticeable red bumps on certain parts of the body. There seems to be no specific age at which the condition can affect a person and recent studies have shown that almost 20% of the entire population of the country has experienced its onset on at least one occasion over the course of their lives. However, individuals in their thirties seem to have been more prone than others to its development. The size of red bumps and area of occurrence can vary significantly between two affected individuals and the more severe cases will generally last for a period of about 6 weeks. Considering that there are so many possible causes for the condition, finding out its root cause could easily be the hardest part. However, effective treatment of the condition requires that the causative factor be correctly established. Stress is probably the most common cause of an outbreak of hives as a result of an imbalance within the body as a result of the levels of produced adrenaline and cortisol. Since stress seems to be an almost unavoidable factor in today’s world, studies have shown the number of stress related hives cases increase almost every year. Allergies to food and other substances constitute the second most common cause of an outbreak. Some of these substances include cosmetics, medication and insect bites. A number of people are sensitive to latex and food items like chestnut and avocado that contain chemicals similar to those present in latex that could cause an outbreak.

Natural Cure

Since the condition has been around for centuries, there are a number of very successful and efficient home remedies that you could try in order to control as well as eradicate the condition. Using a milk compress by wetting a cloth in some cool milk and apply it to the affected area for about 10 to 15 minutes. This can have a very soothing effect and greatly reduce the amount of irritation and itchiness of the skin in the affected area. However, make sure that you do not use milk that is too cold as it could freeze the skin. Wash your face with the help of some baking soda as the solution is known to bring a considerable amount of relief to skin that is affected by hives. If the condition is caused by certain food or substance allergies, you should make it a point to stay away from the causing substance in the future. Increase your intake of water as well as lemon. A minimum of about 8 glasses of water should be had during the day, while the consumption of a glass of water containing the juice of half a lemon should be taken one hour before each meal and between meals. This treatment helps clear the system of any toxic material and stimulates faster recovery from hives.

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