Menorrhagia Causes And Home Remedies

By Patricia | August 25, 2009

Excessive menstrual bleeding (or menorrhagia) occurs in around 10 percent of all women. In most cases, such excessive bleeding in observed in young women who have just begun to menstruate, or in older women who are nearing menopause. It is characterized by heavier bleeding that the average (over 80 ml) and menses last more than 7 days. The causes of excessive menses include abnormal blood clotting, hormonal imbalances, and disorders of the uterine lining. In case of excessive or prolonged menses, you run the risk of anemia. This is a condition where the body is unable to replace the lost blood in sufficient quantities. If you are anemic, you may experience symptoms such as unexplained weakness or tiredness, shortness of breath, numbness of fingers and toes, headaches, mild depression, and poor concentration. For severe cases of excessive menses, doctors may advise you to undergo hormonal therapy. In the case of pre-menopausal women, a hysterectomy may be recommended.

Natural Remedies

For a natural approach to controlling menorrhagia, you should consider fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, including oranges, lemons, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. You are also advised to opt for vitamin K supplements that are available at all drug stores. This is because vitamin K is your body’s natural tool to reduce bleeding. Many women find that herbal teas can help reduce stress and ease the symptoms of heavy bleeding. Popular herbs include argimony, which has a pleasant lemony taste, and sage, also helps to prevent blood clots. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine such as tea and coffee. You can also opt for aromatherapy or a warm bath that may help in keeping you relaxed during heavy periods.

If you feel that the blood loss may be making you anemic, you should ensure that you have a diet that is rich in iron. Red meats are very rich in both iron and zinc, while other non-vegetarian sources of iron include liver, seafood, oysters, and poultry. If you are a vegetarian, you should eat a lot of fresh leafy greens, including spinach that is rich in folates. Beet juice is another important source of important minerals like iron, iodine, and calcium. You can also select from the range of fortified breads and cereals available in the market. As always, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is perhaps the best way to ensure you do not suffer from any complications and your body remains healthy in spite of your condition.

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