Treatment for Blocked Tear Duct Infection

By Patricia | May 29, 2009

Dacryoadenitis is the medical terminology of the condition commonly called Blocked Tear duct. This condition occurs when the tear drainage system of the eyes located in the corner of the eyes, do not drain away the tears to the nose as it should and instead the tears from the tear glands or lacrimal glands remain in the eye. This causes a watery eye, and is also a medium for complications to develop further because it is a good medium for viruses, bacteria and fungi to thrive.

Tears are a very important part of the eye and prevent it drying out and are also a mild antiseptic for the eye. In a normal eye, whenever there is excess tear secretion, it drains from a duct in the eye into the nose where it evaporates or leaks out. This is the basic reason why our nose gets stuffy when we cry. Blocked tear duct is a condition that nearly all humans have to go through right after birth but usually disappears in a few days without any side effects. In adults this condition is caused by either a viral or bacterial infection like mumps or in the case of chronic autoimmune diseases. A possible tumor of the lacrimal gland and repeated infections of the eye like conjunctivitis is also a cause for the tear duct to become blocked. Blocked tear duct can be completely cured in nearly all cases, except where the underlying condition is a tumor. In case of a blocked tear duct occurring because of an infection like mumps, the only treatment required is rest and a massage of the area with a towel dipped in warm water.

It might also be a good idea to use some established antiseptic remedies from the natural world as well when performing the massage. Make a solution of warm water and put a minute quantity of tea tree oil in the solution. Tea tree oil is a very powerful antimicrobial agent that works excellently when applied topically to any infected area. In this solution, dip a towel and place it on the problem eye. Massage the eye in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction for a few minutes at hourly intervals. Restrict the use of onions or even being exposed to them at this time as the excess production of tears is going to just aggravate the situation. In case of bacterial infections causing a blocked tear duct, the remedy is to follow a course of antibiotics until the condition is alleviated.

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