Treating Blind Pimples In Or Behind Ear, Nose or Chin Naturally

By Patricia | June 5, 2009

Blind pimples do not have the typical white top that regular pimples do. Instead, they look like flesh colored bumps, like a boil without any pus and can be quite painful. They are formed by the blockage of skin pores, much in the same manner as acne and regular pimples. These pimples usually grow on the nose, behind the ears and elsewhere on the face and even though they may not look as prominent as regular pimples, they can still affect a person psychologically.


Blocked skin pores are one of the main causes for blind pimples. The blockage, combined with excessive production of sebum from overactive sebaceous glands causes an accumulation of sebum beneath the skin. This causes the tiny bumps that are also typical of blind pimples. Along with dirt, it provides a fertile breeding ground for bacteria that is present on the skin, resulting in an outbreak of pimples and acne.

Outbreaks of pimples are common during the teenage years when hormonal changes may cause the sebaceous glands to go into overdrive. Other contributing factors include dermatitis, stress and pregnancy, or any other conditions that may result in hormonal imbalances.


Blind pimple symptoms are the same as for normal pimples, the only difference being that, while you may feel the pain, you may be hardly able to see the flesh-colored bump under the skin. You are generally able to feel it, only when you press lightly on the skin.

Home Remdies

Blind pimples can usually be treated at home with the help of some simple home remedies.

  • One of the best cures for blind pimples involves using a hot compress to dry out the pimple. Soak a clean cloth in hot water and press it on to the pimple for a few minutes. Keep repeating this process until the water cools and repeat it at least three times a day. Washing your face regularly with a gentle face wash will also help to keep your skin clean and prevent your pores from clogging up thus preventing the formation of blind pimples.
  • Another effective treatment for blind pimples is alcohol or an alcohol based cologne. Soak a cotton swab in alcohol and dab it over the blind pimple. This will help to remove dirt from the skin and unclog the blocked pores, drying the pimple in the process.
  • Other home remedies that may prove effective include applying milk or tea tree oil to dry out the pimple. Milk contains alpha hydroxyl acids that are very good for the skin. When applied to blind pimples, they help to unclog the pores by removing the outer layer of dead skin and accumulated oil and dirt. Applying tea tree oil to the pimple will also help. Repeat this process three times a day. Tea tree oil has potent anti-microbial properties that can help quicken the healing process.
  • If you find that the problem persists, then you can try one of the several over-the-counter creams and lotions that are available for treating pimples. Your doctor or dermatologist would be the best person to advise you on the cream or lotion that would be most suitable for you.


  • Water is a very good treatment and prevention for acne and pimples. Taken internally, water helps to flush out toxins and bacteria from your body thus lowering the chance of infection. Drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water every day.
  • Proper hygiene is also very essential. Washing your face frequently helps prevent pimples, or dries them out quickly if you already suffer from them. This is because washing helps to remove the dirt and dust which accumulates on the skin, thus preventing them from clogging the skin’s pores. While you may use a mild soap, even washing with plain warm water several times in the day, helps to keep your skin clean.
  • Follow a healthy diet. Try to avoid greasy, fatty and fried foods, since they may stimulate your skin to produce extra sebum. Including plenty of vitamins and minerals also helps to fight infection, keep your skin healthy and prevent pimples. Fresh fruits and green vegetables are especially good for you, since they provide balanced nutrition in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. They also have a high water and fiber content, which helps to soak up and flush out harmful toxins from the body.
  • Try and avoid stress, since stress often triggers off an outbreak of pimples. Ensure that you get plenty of sleep and exercise. Sleep helps to rest the body and reduce stress levels, thus maintaining the hormonal balance. Exercise makes you sweat, which helps to eliminate harmful toxins in your body.
  • It is normal to get tempted to poke or squeeze a blind pimple, but you should be careful not to do so. You should strictly avoid using pins or needles to drain out the contents of the bump. In doing so, you will not only increase the risk of an infection, but also the chance of getting a permanent scar by damaging the skin tissue. It is therefore better to let the blind pimple form a natural outlet in due course of time.
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